
1078 Prayer in times of need in spirit and in truth....

September 1, 1939: Book 20

Unite yourselves in the name of the lord and call upon Him in time of need and He will answer your prayer.... Behold, this is what you lack, you are too little in spirit with Him, Who is supposed to be your constant refuge and protection, and He wants you to always remember Him and go no way without Him. Whoever asks in spirit and in truth will always be heard by the father.... Those who entrust themselves to His goodness and love are in His favour, but only very few seek the father and desire His help, and therefore He cannot reveal Himself to His children as a loving, helpful father.... and that is why faith in Him is so weak, and people are overcome by fear and worry and feel helpless and abandoned. Pray to the lord and humbly confess your weakness to Him so that He may make you strong in spirit and you may henceforth regocnize Him as your father.... And let yourselves be guided, for you can entrust yourselves to His guidance with confidence.... And thus you are in the best of care and need not fear any battle in which you could succumb, just always let Him be your first defender and follow Him without hesitation wherever He leads you. For He really has an overview of everything that is necessary for your happiness and He will consider each person as it is beneficial for his soul's development. And if you want to be afflicted by anxiety, then always only think of His love, which embraces you all, and believe that His deepest love can relieve you of all earthly suffering.... Believe that you will never knock at the door in vain.... The lord will always open it for you, for anyone who desires to enter will be willingly admitted, for the father is only waiting for your call in order to be able to express His great love for you. And this great love also moves Him again now, if you are destined for hardship.... Anyone who faithfully appeals to Him for help will truly find it, and anyone who places himself under divine protection will inevitably be safe.... And if it is the father's will none of His children will suffer, and therefore pray without ceasing so that the father can show you His love and guide you through all earthly suffering and comfort you at all times when you are in danger of despair....


Translated by Doris Boekers