1560 Working of the spirit....

August 10, 1940: Book 25

Let it be said to you that the spirit of God unites Itself with each one of you, if you want to serve him. At present, countless threads are running through the tangle of human yarns which are meant to join together into a firm fabric, and these connections from the beyond to earth are tremendously significant, for they are able to provide information to people who are searching and want to recognise God. But only they will receive light, for God Himself is the Eternal Light and the Eternal Truth.... And anyone seeking God has to find Him, and thus bright light and purest truth will come to him. It is a turning point in earthly life when God Himself approaches the human being in the form of light and truth; He offers him a gift of grace which testifies to His immeasurable love. He wants to awaken the desire for enlightenment in the human being in order to then be able to give him unmeasured knowledge, since such cannot be imparted to him without desire, and He thereby wants to raise the human being's spiritual state to a higher level. But now the human intellect refuses to accept something as truth because it does not want to understand divine activity of love. For it does not yet recognise God as a God of love, it does not know about the omnipotence of divine love...., it does not know about the Father's longing for His children, for His creatures which emerged from Him. Nor does he know about the hardship of these creatures who create a state for themselves which causes them unimaginable torment and suffering in the beyond, and about the loving care of the One Who is Love Itself. And therefore he does not want to understand God's working either, for he can only feel God's love with a loving heart, and thus he first has to try to shape himself into love before he can recognise and understand divine love. And there is no evidence that more clearly reveals this love if free will is not to be infringed upon or freedom of faith restricted. For everything that would like to proclaim God's activity even more convincingly is a danger for the human being who, being under a certain influence, would now adjust his actions in a calculating way, that is, it would cause him to behave differently towards God than he would do of his own free will without obvious evidence. And thus the inner life would not be reshaped, but again only the outward form would be fulfilled, because the visible evidence no longer permits a different behaviour. For the inner shaping of his soul has to be tackled out of love for God, but not for the sake of an (earthly) advantage in a forced state.... of faith, which was never gained by oneself, but forcibly through extraordinary phenomena which therefore strongly impair the human being's free will. And this could not result in perfection, for in order to become perfect free will is indispensable....


1561 Obstacle.... Working of the spirit.... Arrogance or unbelief....

The spirit within you does not command you, but leaves it entirely up to your will whether you want to feel its power or whether you want to ignore it. Your share can be its brightest light and knowledge about everything in creation, about the working of blissful spiritual beings, about the advantage of the connections to the beyond, about God's infinite love, wisdom and omnipotence.... but it can also be its deepest darkness of spirit.... And you are allowed to choose at will. No power forces you to belong to it, yet good and also evil beings in the beyond fight for your soul, for your free will to turn to them. So you are given complete freedom of decision, you must on the other hand receive clarification about the responsibility of your decision. It must be suggested to you that you yourselves create the state in the beyond with your earthly way of life. And that is why God imparts His Word to you, that is, He informs you through His Word of the immense responsibility of the human being, and the dreadful consequences of a wrongly applied will. He can only do this by way of truly deeply believing people who offer themselves to God for service and completely submit their will to the Lord's will. He gives them a wealth of knowledge so that they can distribute it to those who seek God.... He gives them the gift of foresight so that people may recognise the truth of what has been announced. He allows them to gain an insight into the activity of the spiritual beings in order to spur them on to most eager soul labour. Yet He will never force you to accept His utterances if you are not willing to let yourselves be taught by the spirit itself. Yet you must recognise by the glimmer of light emanating from every divine activity of love that the Giver is God Himself.... There is a connection from heaven to earth, even if it cannot be obviously proven to you humans who blindly walk through earthly life. For everything that is perfect and therefore abides in love wants to help the still imperfect by virtue of this love.... After all, love is the only thing that can redeem you, and therefore the beings of light in the beyond continue the work of redemption precisely because you humans on earth fail to redeem yourselves through love. And they largely accommodate you. They know about your deficient spiritual state and take pity on you, because they do not want you to suffer, but they cannot spare you suffering for your own sake either. Once they have succeeded in making you understand the working of the divine spirit in the human being and opening your ears and hearts to the truths from above, the spirit from God will begin to work in you yourselves, and it will not leave out anyone who does not withdraw from its working through unbelief or spiritual arrogance. For both are visible evidence of the working of the opposing power, which likewise does everything in its power to seize the will of man in order to destroy everything that God builds up. For everything that is perfect wrestles for the souls, but does not force them....


1562 Firm faith secures unlimited power.... Lawfulness....

Nothing is impracticable if you stand in rock-solid faith. He Who created you, His power is unlimited. All His beings came into existence from this power, and likewise the Creator can place His power in His creatures provided they have the will to work with God and for Him. Whatever the human being now sets out to do he will succeed, he completely entrusts himself to God, he seemingly does all actions of his own accord but is guided by God, so that he therefore only carries out what is divine will. And the divine will shall never be different from the will of an earthly child which is intimately devoted to God, for this will is only something of its own, independent, as long as the human being believes himself conscious of his own strength and able to master everything on his own. However, if he surrenders himself, that is, his will, to God in humility and weakness, this will is now God's property and He now directs and guides it according to His divine counsel. And consequently, all thoughts and actions must now correspond to God's will so that the human being always follows the urge of his heart, that is, carries out what his will tells him to do. For he now, so to speak, gives his body, so that God makes use of it and thus works through it. He is now completely seized (filled?) by divine power, nothing is impossible for him, whatever he undertakes. It is divine spirit which now guides the human being, even though everything about him appears earthly and completely conforms to earthly laws. For God always works within the framework of lawfulness so as not to force people to believe through extraordinary events, yet a stream of strength will flow to the earthly human being which will allow him to master the seemingly insurmountable with ease. However, faith has to be firm.... a person who does not fully entrust himself to God with faith will not open his heart to the influx of strength either, his unbelief or slight doubt is an obstacle and thus God cannot work in the human being according to His will. However, in order to be able to call the deepest faith his own, a person must pray fervently and persistently that God will reveal Himself to him in His glory, that He will have mercy on him and intervene to help where the earthly child threatens to fail. And God hears the prayer of the weak one the sooner the more humbly and helplessly he hands himself over to Him. He will not abandon a pleading earthly child in the adversity of its soul, and He will strengthen its faith at the right time, for He is powerful and wants humanity to believe in His power, and thus He proves this by speaking to people through His servants and also by working through deeds.... thus transferring His power to all those who are faithfully devoted to Him, and joyfully submit their will to Him....


1563 Wealth and poverty in the hereafter....

Only that which bears the mark of love is imperishable. For only that which is born of love will outlast time and eternity. And it is therefore useless to want to build something which does not correspond to the commandment of love, for this will inevitably come to an end, and the strength which God imparts to every human being will be misused if it is only utilised for actions which are devoid of all love. Whatever earthly success arises from it has no lasting value, it goes the way of all earthly things, it passes away.... And only the work created with love is indestructible, for even if the outward appearance of such an activity is seemingly transient, everything done with love has eternal value.... It is the good deeds which follow you into eternity, which alone are only valued when everything earthly has fallen away from the human being. And only then can the soul speak of wealth or poverty, for love and light are one, and anyone who has worked with love on earth is surrounded by a radiant light; he recognises, he has knowledge. He suddenly realises the great significance of earthly life and the consequences of a loving or loveless way of life, and he realises that only love is the only redeeming thing in earthly existence. What man creates for himself in earthly wealth is an increase of that which is to be overcome on earth. Before his stage as a human being, he has already overcome all matter, that is, liberated himself from every form, albeit in a state of compulsion.... And on earth he should do the same in a free state. However, the inclination towards earthly things is the desire for what he has already overcome and is therefore a step backwards. Desire for possessions is at the same time a lack of love, for a loving person wants to give to the one he loves. But that person only loves his ego and what benefits his ego. So it is a wrong love that never has a redeeming effect, that binds the human being to matter as if with chains. And so, all care is only for his body but not for his soul, and earthly wealth, for which all love on earth was intended, must turn into utmost poverty in the beyond. On the other hand, however, earthly wealth need not be an obstacle to be lovingly active as long as it is willingly given in order to banish the hardship and worries of fellow human beings.... if the heart does not cling to it longingly but turns what God has given towards its fellow human being with love. All actions and thoughts must be born of love, then they will result in richest blessings on earth, and a life of light and bliss in the beyond....


1564 Recollection....

The recollection of all previous stages of the course of development would forcibly induce the human being to live the right way of life, and thus exclude becoming perfect, for everything that is perfect is good of its own free will, whereas a forced being is always something imperfect since it is actually different, that is, it became what it never voluntarily aspired to become against its will. Every foreknowledge, however, excludes free will, for the being must then strive for that which protects it from a repetition of the state of suffering in the banished form. It then no longer has a free decision, it can no longer choose between good and evil, it has to do good without being good.... He must then give love without feeling it; he will do everything in order to avoid having to travel the endlessly long path before embodiment as a human being. Thus God took away people's recollection and placed them in life completely ignorant of it. If He now gives them information about it, this happens out of immense love, however, only those people take note of it who already strive for the good of their own accord, because for them the knowledge about it is without danger. Yet precisely this enlightenment will be rejected as untrustworthy wherever the human being has not yet made up his mind. It is precisely the doctrine of the soul's migration in its individual substances through every work of creation that will be rejected as completely unacceptable. It will not be believed, and will therefore not pose a threat to people's free will, for they will not change their way of life in the slightest on the basis of such explanations because they outright deny them.

On the other hand, however, this teaching inspires people whose will is already turned towards God, for to them it is only the revealing reason for all creations, which reveals God's great love, wisdom and omnipotence, and thus only helps to strengthen faith, and to show love and reverence for God. And that is why this teaching must also be passed on with great caution and, if possible, it should remain hidden (withheld?) from those who find it difficult to confess God. For if the truth of divine revelations is made credible to them on the basis of other teachings that cannot be refuted, there is a danger that they will only change their lives for the sake of the consequences, that they will, so to speak, only flee a danger because it brings them harm, but not avoid evil and do good out of their innermost drive. Man should be good for the sake of good, he should ennoble himself out of love for God because he longs for Him from the bottom of his heart.... If this is the reason for his higher development, then it is precisely this teaching which will bring him light, for only now will many things become understandable to him which were previously inexplicable to him without, however, inhibiting his free will....


1565 Voice of conscience....

You have no surer sign of what is right than the voice of conscience, the voice of the heart, which truly shows you what is right. You are often guided by this voice to what is pleasing to God. And if you ever do not know what you should do, think or say, you should only call upon God in all intimacy, and He will make it known to you that every doubt, every indecision will disappear, and you will be clear and aware of your actions. Every wrong thought will cause discomfort in you, and every right thought will make you happy, for all good spiritual beings around you will always endeavour to mentally convey to you what you should or should not do, and if you willingly accept these conveyances they will also trigger a feeling of inner contentment in you, while conversely they will awaken a feeling of discomfort in you in order to make you aware of the inner voice. The urging of spiritual friends to do a good deed is often the reason why this deed is now also carried out, for man alone is too weak-willed if he is not inspired to do good. And if he only listens to the inner voice, he will be guided correctly. The realisation of what is right will likewise come to him if he wants to act rightly. For his will, which is turned towards God, persistently rejects what is wrong because this will attracts the good, knowing forces, and these now instruct him truthfully. Although the opposing forces are just as keen to exert their influence, they are only successful if the human being is without will or indifferent, thus complies with every spiritual influence regardless of whether good or evil forces are instructing him. There the evil forces have an easy game, even if the voice of conscience sounds reproachful afterwards and takes away the person's inner contentment. If this is still observed, it is possible that the good spiritual forces can then have a more influential effect, but such silent reproaches within the heart can easily lead to the person trying to drown them out, that he no longer pays attention to them and thus dulls his conscience, and no longer listens to the subtle voice within himself. And that is extremely detrimental to the soul. For it is difficult for the human being to persuade himself to do good deeds, because his strength is too weak to do so, but since he is not inspired to resist by the voice of conscience, he does not take refuge in God either, Who alone can make him strong-willed and send him spiritual strength to help him. But if a person cultivates the voice of conscience within himself, if he complies with everything the voice tells him to do or not to do, and finally listens to this voice after every question to the eternal Deity, he will hardly take any other path than the one that leads to knowledge....


1566 Claiming and imploring divine grace....

Call upon divine grace and invoke God's blessing upon yourselves, and your whole course of life will correspond to God's will. You will be able to accomplish everything you want, because you will then do everything with divine support. And if you now devoutly entrust yourselves to the Father in heaven, He will lead you by His hand and you can rest assured that you will safely reach your goal. Divine grace is the outflow of His love. He knows about your adversity and weakness of will, He knows about your task, and if you are now willing to fulfil your task He will not let you struggle alone, but He will help you by strengthening your will and giving you strength. And therefore you should never neglect to implore divine grace, for God wants to be called to every beginning. Yet without making use of divine grace your path cannot lead upwards, for whatever you do will only fulfil your earthly desire but will not result in any spiritual success. But your earthly life is only given to you so that you seek the connection with God. If you ask for His grace then you trustingly hand yourselves over to Him, and thus you seek the connection with Him. And then your path must inevitably lead upwards, then the infinitely long path on earth will not have been in vain, for it will have brought the being close to God again. And the more intimately it requests His help the closer it is to God, for the heartfelt prayer presupposes an intimate relationship.... the right relationship of a child to its father. The separation between the being and God is now overcome when the child stretches out its hands pleading for help, and asks the Father for His grace and love. Everything will now seem easy to him and nothing impossible, for God Himself takes care of the endeavour, and gives the earthly child the strength to accomplish it. Therefore, you should not begin anything without asking for God's blessing, so that your endeavours will not be in vain. It is something precious to be allowed to stand in the divine sun of grace, for then life will seem exceedingly easy to you, since God is always and constantly with you and guides you.... towards Himself. Constantly ask for His grace, and thereby prove to Him your desire for Him.... and you will be able to walk your path through life without worry, for God Himself will guide you and help you to manage....


1568 Coarse material.... Form.... Substance....

The coarse materialisation of originally spiritual substance cannot be avoided as long as an external form is necessary in order to force the spiritual to serve in this form. In its unbound state, the spiritual is also a free being that can determine its own destiny.... However, as soon as this spiritual being is surrounded by a shell, it is hindered in its self-determination. It is bound by a material cover which it must now overcome in a certain time in order to be freed from it again. Everything material around the spiritual substance is condensed spiritual, therefore in itself likewise spiritual substance, that is, it emerged from the all-creating Power, but through divine will became matter, which is supposed to harbour immature spiritual in itself. For everything that has emerged from God is spiritual substance, only the degree of maturity of this substance is different, and therefore a difference has to be made between the spiritual that is inside the form and the spiritual that has become form.

The spiritual inside the form is already so far developed through divine will that it is often allowed to change its stay in the different forms, while the spiritual, which has become form, is still in the beginning of its higher development. The still undeveloped spiritual substance now enables the already more mature spiritual substance.... to fulfil the task assigned to it.... It thereby serves this spiritual substance by also helping it to serve. And thus everything in creation progresses in its development. The coarse material appears transient to man, but in its substance it is just as little transient as the spiritual, which is enclosed in the material shell. For it may seem to disintegrate into nothing, but in reality it only dissolves into its substance once it has fulfilled its actual task. A distinction is therefore made between the spiritual fleeing from the form and the form itself evaporating. The spiritual substance that has been released from the form seeks a new shell depending on its state of maturity.... while the form itself dissolves into its original substance and is again a volatile element until it condenses once more into a new form through God's will. The coarse material is therefore nothing other than something spiritual which becomes visible to the earthly human being in accordance with God's will.... which therefore takes on the form God determines for it, and which remains form as long as divine will requires such a form for the spiritual substance which is in the process of higher development. The form is visible as long as the spiritual has not yet properly solved its task, but becomes invisible as soon as the task has been fulfilled.... Amen

1569 Intellectual research.... Believers and unbelievers....

The more devotedly a person entrusts himself to God's care the easier his earthly life will be, for it is the will of the Father in Heaven that He should always be remembered. Only in this way can you receive the strength from Him, which He sends without restriction to anyone who desires it.... The human being often searches where a single request for clarification could provide him with information and yet, despite being informed of an instruction from above, he will not avail himself of it because he does not believe. And consequently he will walk in error, for he cannot find the right realisation without faith. The result of the believer will always differ from that of the unbeliever; they are two different basic attitudes which also produce different results. The same success can never be expected if the will to investigate is active, that is, if he only wants to solve some spiritual problems purely intellectually. A distinction must be made between a person who rejects faith and a person who is still searching and weak in faith, who is willing to believe if the scholar seems acceptable to him. This person asks.... but the other claims.... He intellectually compiles a doctrine for himself and is completely convinced of its truth, yet he has not utilised the slightest divine strength for it, thus the result cannot be divine truth either, for the person who does not pray to God is by no means entirely without the influence of spiritual strength, instead he is guided by the opposing force and always by God's opposing activity. Consequently, this opposing force will not allow the human being's thoughts to be in truth either but will do everything in its power to confuse them. Nor is it usually the desire for truth that motivates his research, but the prospect of earthly success drives him to use his intellect. He therefore does not seek any connection with knowledgeable forces, neither consciously nor unconsciously, but he gathers the results of other researchers purely intellectually and puts together a new picture. He does not seek wisdom from the Eternal Wisdom itself but adopts the thought processes of other equally erring people, and the final result must inevitably also be error....


1570 Immediate emanation.... Gift of grace....

Being allowed to receive the direct emanation of divine power is an unimaginable grace for man. It is a gift that goes far beyond the merit of a human being, for to be honoured by God is something delightful that cannot be grasped by the human being. He Who is the Highest and most perfect Being, Who created heaven and earth, Who rules over all that exists.... bends down to an earthly child and communicates with him.... This is a gift of grace which is indisputably sufficient to shape the earthly child into a perfect being, for God's strength is imparted to him and this strength from God is capable of everything, thus it can also completely transform a person of good will and promote his higher development. And every Word from God is strength which is conveyed to the earthly child through God's boundless love, for that which comes from God cannot be anything other than His emanation, and if God emanates strength the being which is given this strength gains spiritual substance. It therefore receives something from the hand of God which contributes to the increase of its essence; the spiritual from God unites with the spiritual in man, and this comes to light in such a way that the desire for the pure spiritual is strengthened and can therefore be fulfilled through increased supply of spiritual power. Outwardly such an influx of strength is not particularly recognisable, yet the human being's nature, his thinking and feeling, becomes more and more spiritualised, and only then will the human being fulfil his purpose of earthly life when all his care is directed towards higher spiritual development. The fact that a person is given such an extraordinary gift of grace is again due to the fact that this person did not seek any earthly advantage from the union, which he himself initiated of his own accord. If any calculation underlies such a union, it will never come about. But since only the will to God was the motivation and the surrender of his own will preceded the connection between heaven and earth, the divine Fatherly favour seized His creature in His unspeakable love and drew it to Himself. And since God is strength in Himself, the divine strength therefore had to flow into the earthly child from then on and affect it in the aforementioned way.... It cannot help but fulfil the will of the One which only then overflows into all created beings which unite with Him.... The human being must now, as it were, sense the divine expression of strength in himself, since everything inside him urges towards unification with the One Who is strength Himself.... The human being's will has to turn ever more eagerly towards God, the spiritual within the human being and the spiritual outside have to strive towards each other, for all spiritual is strength from God which demands to return to Him again from Whom it originated.... Hence the emanation of divine strength must cause the human being to feel its benefit inside him, and strive for the final unification with the Giver of strength Himself again....


1571 Self-redemption.... Love.... Surrender of the will....

There can be no redemption for a being which does not submit itself to the divine will. Admittedly, it is true that it is also constantly given indications, the observance of which can lead it onto the right path, if it does not openly resist. There is no other possibility of self-redemption than through the surrender of one's own will, since this has brought about the apostasy from God. As long as the being resists, as long as it believes itself to be stronger, that is, still wants to express itself in opposition, it is impossible to be released from matter. There is no other way to God but to shape oneself into a being of light through service in love.... And serving with love is a conscious submission to the One Who is Eternal Love Himself. The serving person will always do something which is a blessing for his fellow human being. He will try to alleviate hardship, help to bear suffering, he will endeavour to improve his fellow human being's lot, and he will always be of service for him. And all this presupposes love, and consequently he will carry out those works with God, for all actions of love have to unite him with Eternal Love Itself, since God Himself is present in every work of love. And where God is present, no other power has room and authority.... Thus the human being is redeemed from this power if only he is united with God.... And being united with God also means doing everything that God tells him to do. It means complete surrender of one's own will and allowing God's will alone to prevail.... It also means to be completely absorbed in the divine will, to carry out everything that contributes to self-redemption.... to care for the body and soul of his neighbour, and to serve God in deepest love and humility. It will often not be easy for the being to serve where it would rather rule, yet love for God is the driving force behind every service, and this love gives it strength.... For if the human being is inflamed with love for God, divine love shall likewise seize the earthly child, and it will feel this love in an increased desire for Him.... And it serves ever more joyfully the more intimately it is united with God through love....


1572 Tremendous upheaval as a result of the wrong way of life....

A tremendous upheaval of your usual life will be the result of your wrong way of life, which does not correspond to God's will. You do not consider anything important that could lead you to God, but everything that takes you away from Him. You only ever think of worldly advantages, and lose all appreciation for the value of right thinking and deep faith in God. The goal you are striving for has nothing to do with God, you truly do not need faith in Him for it, and therefore you cannot be in right thinking either, because your thinking does not lead to eternal life. But Jesus Christ says: ‘He that believeth on Me hath eternal life....’ To care for eternal life is the only purpose of (earthly) life.... To think correctly means to live for the purpose of fulfilling the task and to do everything that is conducive to the soul's higher development. However, anyone who sets himself a different goal will be living in error, for his thinking is wrong, that is, it is not guided by God but by His adversary. And this requires countermeasures on God's part so that the human being realises his wrong thinking, and tries to change himself and his distant way of life. But a change in such wrong thinking can only be brought about by an event that is so unusual that it cannot go unnoticed. It must stir all minds, it must cause even indifferent people to reflect. At the very least, man has to be affected sensitively, that is, his previous views have to suffer a severe blow as a result, he now has to try to enter into contact with that which he has so far rejected as unprovable. He must seek God so that he may find Him and partake of His grace. This event is inconceivable for you, for it takes everything you possess. You will no longer be allowed to call anything your own except faith in God, if you have it.... But this is worth more than all earthly possessions, for whoever asks God for His care with all fervour shall receive it and He will visibly lead His Own out of the adversity that the event will bring upon people. Life with its conveniences is gone, now the whole seriousness of life approaches the earthly child, which he can, however, fully cope with if he only asks God for help and courageously takes up the fight against the adversity and bitterness of existence. Only that which applies to eternity is of value, but everything else can be eliminated since it only hinders the being which is too weak to take the path leading upwards of its own accord. But God will help all those who call out to Him, for His love will not let anything perish that has the will to ascend.... He shall strengthen this will and give you humans the strength to prevail....


1573 Race.... Inner life....

So many questions are raised in a time of spiritual emancipation, and these questions always concern a still little researched area, the inner life of the individual human being.... For it is recognised that every person's inner life is different and people are now trying to find an explanation for this. People lack all knowledge. With a conviction that tolerates no contradiction, they proceed to link the inner structure of man with the structure of the body; they therefore assume that a certain race of human beings must also have the same feelings, that the inner life is therefore racially determined. And this view now gives rise to all kinds of questions. The doctrine of race, in which all theories are founded today, is justified only in so far as it throws light on external phenomena, the appearance of a being, so that a certain race also reveals certain external characteristics. But race never has any influence on the inner feelings of man, which alone are decisive in spiritual terms. And thus the most diverse races have a certain similarity in their emotional life, so it is assumed that the race has an influence on the inner life. And this is erroneous.... For the emotional life, which has its origin in the soul, is formed by each person himself. If the Creator had placed the same emotional life in the same races, the different tribes of people would have to be of the same nature. Every behaviour would then be based on the race of man and thus also (accordingly) be judged. And consequently God would always have prescribed to the different people the formation of their inner life, and people could then be no different than God Himself had assigned to them by belonging to a particular race. A higher development would therefore be out of the question, and people could not be held accountable either. However, they are not granted a stay on earth in order to conform outwardly through their race, but every human being, regardless of which race he belongs to, must cultivate his inner life and thus contribute everything himself to develop spiritually to a higher level. Everything on the outside of people will also only relate to earthly life, or rather, these people who are united by race will retain all their characteristics, regardless of whether their inner attitude is in favour of or against God. Only in purely worldly questions is a correspondence of thoughts to be found, but in spiritual questions every individual human being's thinking will be different and the attitude towards God so fundamentally different that belonging to a certain race can never lead to the conclusion that the human being is forced to think according to his race. And this now corrects an erroneous view that has so far been insufficiently scrutinised. Wrong conclusions have been drawn, even though the external appearance of people appears to be quite similar. The inner life is completely isolated.... In order to shape it in accordance with divine will the human being has to occupy himself spiritually, he cannot relate his own nature to his spiritual task, he has to struggle in exactly the same way as a person belonging to a different race if he wants to bring his soul into a state which pleases God so He accepts it into His kingdom.... Amen

1574 The end justifies the means....

You burden yourselves with a great responsibility when you cause your fellow human beings to act contrary to Christian teaching and try to enforce this through coercive measures. For now it is not them but you yourselves who will be punished for having done so. The person who is forced is not of his own will and therefore cannot be held responsible. But you, who have subjugated this will, must bear the consequences and atone for your injustice. The actual act will not be condemned as much as the originator of such an act. Thus you should not believe that you can cause your fellow human being to commit an evil deed with impunity.... without being called to account yourselves. And it will now be understandable to you that an injustice cannot be condoned because it is supposed to bring some kind of benefit...., that the principle ‘The end justifies the means....’ is therefore never recognised by God but that such an opinion is completely erroneous. Every bad seed can only bear bad fruits, i.e. a bad deed can never result in any advantage for people that benefits them spiritually. Although earthly advantages are sometimes undeniable, they will never find God's approval or His blessing. Consequently, all those who benefit from a bad deed must also accept the consequences of the bad deed, they must bear the greatest suffering if they want to make amends for the injustice for which they are responsible. For no guilt can remain unatoned for, and it is far better to atone for a guilt in earthly life than to take it over into the hereafter and to endure torment that cancels out that guilt. What happens under this principle.... The ends justify the means.... what has emerged as an alleged advantage from such action will also never be blessed or bring spiritual benefit to the person, for God does not approve of measures which contradict the commandment to love one's neighbour, which seem to have arisen from a noble disposition but in reality clearly show the adversary's doing. And the person responsible for it, as well as all those who approve of his plan, will be called to account, as it is the greatest injustice before God.


1575 Justice.... End of the world.... New Earth....

There is no possibility of evading divine justice once God has decreed the general judgement. For then the time will have come that has been announced in word and scripture. And the people who did not want to believe in divine justice will have to answer for themselves. They will now realise that only the righteous find mercy before God, but the fate of the unrighteous is damnation. And this judgement will come unexpectedly. It will certainly be preceded by many prophecies announcing God's intentions; many will still be given the opportunity to turn to God and repentantly confess their sins to Him; God will reach out to them and pull them back from the edge of the abyss, yet the hour will inevitably come when the whole of humanity will be confronted by the dreadful, the hour of the supposed end of the world, which, however, is never an end of the world in the sense of the word but only a downfall of the previous world, that is, of humanity, which is only worldly-minded and no longer recognises God. And this downfall will mean a complete transformation of what people understand as earth.... Nothing will remain unchanged on the earth's surface, and everything that has apparently existed powerfully and vigorously since time immemorial will therefore be exposed to decay.... The earth must cease to be what it is at present.... namely the place where materialism alone rules (is striven for?) and no-one recognises God and His working. For the earth is supposed to be the educational centre of the spirit, yet it has become the place where only the body is considered (observed) but not the spirit, and thus it has completely missed its purpose. And God therefore destroys everything that did not grasp its mission and strives for the opposite of its true purpose. And this is an event which can no longer be changed and which, according to divine justice, will come to pass as it is written.... not one stone will be left upon another.... But a completely new time will also dawn. The new earth will be populated by people who are spiritually on a higher level, and these people will gather as survivors of an event which will be unforgettable to them and which has obviously proven to them God's greatness and omnipotence. For God will take them away from earth in order to lead them back to the newly created earth so that they will form the tribe of a new congregation, so that they, who remain in fullest faith, will now act and work in divine will on earth, that is,. in the kingdom of peace which the Lord has now created for Himself and which He will enliven with His own who were faithful to Him and showed themselves worthy of His love. For His divine justice will reward everyone as they deserve.... He will grant life to those who serve God and love Him.... and He will take from the world those who never recognised God, and thus walked the earth in vain....


1576 Word’s of the Father.... Foresight of the Last Judgement....

Your life is to be love, and everything you do and think should carry love within it. This is the great task you were given for earthly life, which you should endeavour to fulfil. And therefore the adversary will endeavour to bring you down as often as possible. He will do everything to suffocate the love within you and to nourish bad feelings, hatred and unkindness in you. For that is his intention, to bind once again what wants to redeem itself through love and to get it under his control. And thus you must fight so that victory will be yours. In hours of danger you must remember the Saviour, Whose life was only filled with love, Who had to suffer all injustice and yet always persisted in the same love, and if you are in danger of becoming weak then pray, and you shall receive strength through divine love, which motivated the Saviour to die for you....

Great events are imminent and it is a tremendous task which you, My servants on earth, still have to fulfil. I want to enlighten your spirit so that you will see and recognise the signs.... I shall announce the day and the hour to you by sight, I shall strengthen your power and increase your love for Me so that you will work for Me. You have nothing to fear and may only wait for the things that will come upon the earth. For My spirit is always with you, which lets you hear and see what remains hidden from others. You will foresee the Judgment of the Last Day, you will be in contact with the forces of the beyond which impart supernatural knowledge to you, and thus you will become a willing instrument for Me, for I need you and your will.... You shall prepare the way for Me, you shall first inform people that I have appointed you to proclaim My Word. I need your will so that you are only executors of My will, and thus you shall then also recognise most clearly and foresee what lies ahead of you. I take part in every step you take.... It is I Myself Who tells you to do what you begin. I Am always with you in speaking, acting and thinking, and if you recognise something it is My will, for you shall speak about it and can now do so with full conviction if I have opened up your inner vision. And therefore, pay attention to what the spirit within you will proclaim to you, listen to the voice of the heart and pay attention to every movement.... And don't let yourselves be put off by objections, don't let yourselves be hindered when it comes to fulfilling My will.... take part in all suffering, for love will also make you sensitive.... Love ennobles you and lets you become perfect, and in a certain state of maturity you will be able to hear and see what remains hidden to the unloving person. And it is My will that you should stand up for what you have seen.... For you shall pass on your knowledge so that it will be accepted by the willing. Anyone who does not accept it will remain in spiritual darkness, he will only be perplexed by the event itself. Yet anyone who awaits the coming time with an alert spirit shall escape its horrors, for I know My own.... I let adversity and misery pass them by because they recognised Me. And I take an intimate interest in every person's hardship and Am willing to bear everything for them as at the time of My earthly life, as soon as they merely stretch their hands up to Me in prayer, and entrust their suffering to Me. And much suffering will come upon earth in order to cause people to stretch out their hands to Me in prayer.... And therefore I shall inform humanity in advance and admonish all people on earth not to let up in their work, and to proclaim My Word to all those who have a willing heart and an open ear, for they will experience extraordinary things and should therefore be prepared, and regard everything extraordinary as My will and My mission, and request strength at all times in order to be able to successfully emerge from this difficult time for their soul....


1577 God's blessing for work.... Good and bad spiritual support....

The success of any work is always dependent on God's blessing, and God shall bless the work so it is started and completed with faith and trust in Him. It is by no means to be assumed that human intelligence guarantees the success of a work, but rather that intelligence itself is the work of otherworldly spiritual forces, namely good forces if the work was preceded by a faithful thought in God, or also bad forces if the person feels capable of mastering a difficult work alone in arrogance.

Good spiritual forces are also often at work without the human being consciously requesting God's blessing, namely when the human being is not yet cognisant but otherwise thinks correctly and is of a good disposition. Even then he receives the strength from above to direct his thoughts upwards and to make him aware of God's blessing so that he consciously strives for union with God, and no longer starts any work without praying for God's blessing. Conversely, evil spiritual forces take possession of the human being because his thinking corresponds more to these forces, and the effects of these are accepted without resistance. And the result of such bad influences will be that the human being will always become more arrogant and aware of his worth, that he will believe that he can manage everything by his own strength and never think of asking for God's blessing for a work. And thus only those spiritual forces are active in every work which correspond to the human being's thinking.... The success of a work will always depend on his innermost attitude towards God, for even if a work which has been accomplished without God's blessing appears to bring earthly success, it will only ever bring earthly success, but through such work the human being will fall prey to evil powers, that is, they will increasingly capture his thoughts and attitude. They provide him with many earthly advantages, but pull his soul down and thus increase his distance from God. Nothing should be started without God, if the earthly work should bring success to the soul. Then it will also be blessed in earthly regard, and the human being will be able to fulfil difficult tasks with ease, because the good spiritual forces will take care of this work and ensure its success....


1578 Admonition to gentleness, peaceableness and love....

The human soul is in constant danger of losing itself as long as it still nurtures impulses within itself that are devoid of love. It is indisputably more difficult to reach the heights when the instincts of darkness are taken into account, when love is displaced by hatred, when all good in a person is suffocated by evil impulses and the person hardens his heart. The human being should always endeavour to bear the weaknesses of his fellow human being with patience, he should train himself to be gentle and peaceful, he should try to transform ignoble feelings into love and only ever think of his soul, which he puts in great danger through unkindness and hinders its development. And again, it is necessary to call upon the help of good spiritual beings, for they are constantly at the person's side and wait for the caller to let them intervene helpfully if the person alone cannot find the strength to resist the temptations. Man, in his fickleness, very often finds himself in situations that are supposed to strengthen his resilience, and he very often fails. This is because he does not utilise the strength that is offered to him. He has no willpower for good, and thus evil forces immediately make use of his will, and their influence is often so devastating, for they awaken feelings in the human being which clearly bear the stamp of the underworld. They destroy what the good beings have built up, they make the human being unwilling and try to make him unfit for his task on earth by trying to make him unworthy of divine grace. And this signifies a regression of unheard-of significance for people which should be prevented at all costs, for the ascent from the abyss is considerably more difficult if the human being has previously stood on high. The path to the heights becomes easier and easier, but if it is to be undertaken from the depths then extreme effort is required, and this is often lacking in the soul once it has lost its strength. And that is why you should beware of Satan's snares, for he will place all obstacles in your path so that you will stumble and deviate from the right path. And thus you put the soul in greatest danger, for it feels the pain when it falls into deep regions again from which it can hardly free itself....


1579 Knowledge without love is dead material....

You humans try to acquire intellectually what you deem worth knowing, and thus you pursue a goal which, however, need not necessarily be important as long as you strive for knowledge which is of no particular value for the soul's higher development. The light should shine for the human being, that is, he should be aware of divine wisdom, of His infinite love, of His reign and activity in the universe and of His creation.... This knowledge should help him to recognise God, to love Him and to serve Him with all his will out of this knowledge and love for Him.... It should be the whole endeavour of man to devote himself to God in heartfelt filial love, and to do everything God asks of His earthly children. To stand in knowledge therefore means to walk in the light. And this is an enormous grace which the human being first has to acquire again through his way of life, and which he has to ask for through heartfelt supplication to God. Every man is entitled to it, but man must do his part to be allowed to receive divine grace. Thus he must first educate himself, that is, shape his soul such that divine grace can be imparted to him...., that is, the soul must be in a certain state of maturity in order to be able to be taught, thus to become knowledgeable. The human being can never receive spiritual knowledge as long as his soul is not shaped such that it is capable of receiving the knowledge of divine wisdom. And the soul is not able to do so as long as it is still outside of love. It can certainly absorb knowledge in a scholastic way, thus make knowledge its own through intellectual thinking; however, this knowledge has no influence whatsoever on the soul's higher development. It is a thinking process that has nothing to do with the awakening of the divine spirit in the human being. What the intellect has absorbed need not contradict the truth, and yet it is dead material as long as love is not awakened in the human being at the same time.... Only through the activity of unselfish neighbourly love does it gain life, and only then does the human being stand in the light, for now this light radiates out in all directions.... The loving person will want to pass on his knowledge, and will do so because he is compelled to let his light shine, he is compelled to let his fellow human beings participate in the knowledge that makes him happy. And God also places in a loving person the right realisation of what is truth and what is falsehood.... He will therefore have the right knowledge and be able to distinguish truth from falsehood, whereas a person who only absorbs spiritual wisdom purely intellectually accepts everything imparted to him in a scholastic manner as truth without judgement, for it is not given to him by the spirit from God but people pass on what they have also received. And this is the great danger that they are unable to separate human work from purely divine programmes, but that they are also not open to any instruction but only seek the truth where, however, there is no guarantee of pure truth. For if the spirit from God is at work, all doubt may disappear, but where knowledge was only acquired through intellectual labour, the truth can be doubted with justification. Only that which God Himself imparts to people on earth is beyond all doubt, for God is the truth, and those who turn their hearts to God and ask for His spirit will therefore be instructed by God and stand in the truth....


1581 Key to knowledge.... Gate.... Faith - Gatekeeper....

The unexplored spiritual power is the missing key to knowledge. And again, this spiritual power cannot be proven but can only be affirmed through faith. The believing person, however, will also be able to provide the proof, that is, the utterances of the spirit will be proof for him, whereas the unbelieving person will also deny the obvious working of the spirit, and therefore will never be able to recognise it. A boundary has been drawn here by God's wisdom. Whoever crosses this boundary in faith has also found the key to knowledge. But the unbeliever must be content to stand outside of knowledge unless he wants to accept the knowledge that the believer imparts to him. Faith is therefore the gate, and beyond this gate works the spirit out of God.... However, anyone who does not want to enter through this gate will never be able to feel the divine spirit and its power, for he will deny himself access to that which testifies to God.... Nor will he ever be able to intellectually explore the working of the spirit. And this is precisely what rejects the unbeliever who wants to have everything proven that he is supposed to believe. Faith does not ask for proof, it affirms according to the feelings of the heart. What seems incomprehensible to the believer is confirmed by God's love, wisdom and omnipotence.... He recognises God and therefore no longer looks for evidence, but finds confirmation of what he should believe in the essence of the eternal Deity.... And the feeling of the heart gives him precise guidelines, and thus the spirit out of God expresses itself by causing the heart to accept or reject what is offered to it. And the spirit out of God truly instructs the heart correctly. It will know exactly how to distinguish truth from lies, and thus be able to recognise correctly. But information can never be given to a person whose will does not make use of the key to knowledge. He stands before a closed gate which is impenetrable and does not allow the slightest insight. And there is no other way for him to enter the area behind the gate, and the gatekeeper himself, faith, has to open the door for him or it will remain closed to him forever....


Translated by: Sven Immecke

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