1600 Conveying spiritual truths in the hereafter....
September 6, 1940: Book 25
The imparting of spiritual truth is likewise extraordinarily significant in the kingdom beyond. It is also a power which flows through the being struggling to ascend, and enables it to work on itself and its perfection. Hence, the being in the beyond receives this strength in the form of knowledge; and therefore, every opportunity is utilised in order to receive strength, for increased knowledge is increased light, and distributing light is again the only means of final redemption, thus the being first has to stand in the light itself, that is, in knowledge, before it can pass it on. Hence, knowledge represents spiritual goods which all beings in the beyond endeavour to increase as long as they have attained realisation, that is, as long as they have recognised God and the truth, and now want to increase their state of maturity to the degree that they come close to God, for it allowes them to receive the light from Him directly. This requires painstaking work, the beings have to strive.... to bring relief to the suffering souls, precisely by imparting spiritual truths which proves to be the only relief; they have to try to penetrate into divine wisdom, and willingly pass on what they have gained for their souls in order to make others happy with it as well. Eager activity is the task of the souls striving upwards, and as soon inactive souls join this activity, they also start the ascent upwards, because every being is met with willing help once it expresses its intention to strive upwards. And therefore, strength will always be sent to the beings as soon as their will demands ascent. But this strength is the spiritual nourishment, the divine Word, which brings enlightenment to all living creations on earth and in the beyond.... Every being that declares itself willing to receive the divine Word, will be touched by the divine flow of strength, and the more it gives of that strength to those who hunger for it, the more will be imparted to it in return.... it will be able to give without emptying itself, it will be allowed to call undreamt-of treasures its own, to hand out as it pleases and yet always receive more and more.... That is the miracle of divine love, that it constantly increases. It is an immensely comforting thought for you humans to be able to help your loved ones in the beyond in a way which provides them with great relief.... if you willingly receive the Word of God where it is offered to you and, through thoughts of love, you call upon the souls in the beyond so that they can likewise hear, then you impart strength to them and they feel this to be indescribably beneficial, since they can hardly make up their mind without help, for their will is weak and listless. And yet, the will has to determine their actions and thoughts. But you humans on earth can stimulate their will through your love. The soul feels every gift of love in the form of strength, that is, a will striving towards the good. And therefore, you will always bring help to the souls if your love determines you to want to help. Every call, every thought you give to the souls in the beyond will have a beneficial effect for them, and rarely will a being, even though it dwells in the darkest spiritual night, reject the love of an earthly human being which follows its soul into the beyond.... Amen
Translated by Sven Immecke