1594 Coming time of suffering.... Purpose of the announcement....

September 2, 1940: Book 25

The state of suffering on earth is still increasing and people can expect immense misery, hardship and sorrow. And it must be so, for without this man will not find his way to God. A time will come that is as difficult as people have never experienced before; all hope will fade, all courage will sink and the heaviest pressure will weigh on humanity, caused by unspeakable suffering, illnesses and tribulations of every kind. And yet, all this will be bearable in firm faith in God, for where a person does not walk alone but has made God his confidant, God shall always be present, and man will not be weighed down by the adversity and will not feel the great suffering. Yet only a few will draw strength and comfort from God, only a few will find strength in the divine Word and only a few will be spared by trusting in God's help through His will.... For faith has been lost, it is a time of complete apostasy from God. And therefore, the Lord knocks once again on the hearts of His earthly children, He makes Himself known through His Word and announces to them the difficult time and the battle on earth, and He shall accept all those who come to Him in this adversity and ask for His help. He takes care of His children's adversity Himself by using every conceivable means in order to announce the coming time to people as a time of horror and misery. He does not want people to meet fate unprepared, He wants them to unite with Him beforehand in order to be able to avert the great suffering from them. He wants to win His living creations for Himself but shall not grant the adversary power over them. And therefore, He announces the difficult time beforehand and instructs those who want to hear His Word. He is full of kindness and gentleness and only wants to speak to His children with love. Yet they do not hear the kind and loving words, and thus He has to show His might so that people will fear Him and then learn to love Him, He has to reveal Himself to them as the Lord of Creation so that they will recognise Him as Ruler and ask for His love. Yet where people believe in Him, there is no need for proof of His power, for love has already awakened in them, and love fulfils what God requires.... God's love is unchanging, it will always and constantly apply to His children who are in danger of losing themselves.... And this love wrestles for your souls, it seeks to make itself known, and anyone who lives with love himself, will also recognise divine love. He will recognise the loving guidance through all horrors and suffering of the forthcoming time, and he will trustingly abandon himself to the Eternal Love, and await this time without fear and trepidation. And the Lord shall remember them when the time has come. He shall guide them carefully through it, He shall let all adversity pass them by, He shall strengthen and comfort them where they are anxious and fearful, and He will reveal Himself in times of greatest need.... For the Father in Heaven knows His own and He has promised them His protection, that all suffering will be taken away from them if they raise their hands to Him in supplication. The human being only has to believe in God's love, kindness and mercy.... And he must lead a righteous life.... He must always strive for good and avoid evil, he must persevere in fervent prayer and expect God's help with full faith. Then he will emerge from the time of tribulation unscathed in body and soul, for God is close to all those who recognise Him, love Him and childlike trustingly hand themselves over to Him and ask for His mercy.... Amen

Translated by: Sven Immecke

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120 Jesus Christ Comforts You! ePub   PDF   Kindle  
121 Predictions –Time Of Distress And Tribulation ePub   PDF   Kindle  
170 The Purpose Of Suffering ePub   PDF   Kindle  


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