1540 Exceeding the limits of his power (adversary)....
July 26, 1940: Book 25
Innumerable beings emerged from the power of the one who strives against God. The power, however, is from God, for the adversary, too, is the recipient of divine power. He claimed the right to create according to his will because he was endowed by God with all gifts, that is, he was created by God Himself as a perfect being. And he used all these gifts, which were inherent to a perfect being, to fall away from God, he used all his abilities in a way that was contrary to God's will. The will of God would indeed suffice to destroy everything created by this power, but this is not His will. What is of Him shall remain for all eternity and become again what it originally was.... A working force in the divine will.... The adversary of God is granted a period of time for his activity in which he can unfold all his power; and he utilises this period in the most extensive way. He tries to destroy everything that is divine, that is already beginning to walk on the path to the light. He exerts his influence wherever he finds only the slightest favour, he works with cunning and trickery to get these beings, which want to escape from him, under his power again; he does not shy away from any violent strike if it only leads to the aim of turning away, what has emerged from him, from the eternal Deity. For he does not shy away from openly taking a stand against God by endeavouring to take everything away from his beings.... the belief in a God, in a Power Which rules everything and Who is in control of everything that exists.... Thus he consciously works against God.... and therefore fights with a means which was not granted to him by God. For the beings should know about the eternal Deity and decide in favour of or against It of their own free will. However, if the knowledge of the eternal Deity is withheld from them, they have no other path of decision than the path to him, God's adversary. And this is what the adversary strives for, thus he fights with a means that is completely opposed to God's will, so that God's righteousness must prevent the adversary from realising his plan. For the adversary now transgresses the limits of his power, he unlawfully interferes with divine laws and arrogates to himself a right to which he is never entitled. In his arrogance, he believes that he can supplant God and become master over all creations. And God allows him great freedom, after all, He does not even touch the adversary's free will, although it would be easy for God to destroy him. But He prevents that the beings are completely without knowledge about the highest God-being, because this would lead to complete apostasy from God. Thus the beings have to recognise an all-dominant power anew, they have to realise the powerlessness of the One Who wants to be their Lord...., thus they have to be given the choice again to decide in favour of one or the other power. They must know about both powers in order to be able to decide. However, they must not be deprived of the knowledge of the greatest power, as it is now the adversary's will, in order to be able to gain the final victory. And so the adversary's arrogance will earn him a powerful counterattack. A counteraction will be undertaken by God, which will greatly hinder him in his endeavour. Countless beings will recognise the eternal Deity and want to strive towards It, and they will also receive the strength to free themselves from a force which wanted to achieve the final apostasy from God.... The adversary himself will be bound, his power will be taken from him, that is, restricted, so that he will no longer be able to work to the same extent as before, since he misused the strength flowing to him and acquired a power which was not granted to him from God.... The fact that he openly presumes to fight against God Himself is the reason for God's intervention, which is now becoming visible to the whole world, Who wants to avert the dreadful danger of a complete apostasy from God, of the beings which emerged from Him and His power....
Translated by Sven Immecke