1144 The struggle of good and evil forces for souls.... support from people....

October 21, 1939: Book 20

It is a mighty struggle for supremacy between the good and the evil forces.... And the omnipotence of divine love is mightily at work and places ever more auxiliary forces at the earthly beings' disposal so that evil will be overcome and its effect on human souls weakened. And yet they fall ever more under the spell of darkness, for the human being's will offers no resistance and thus countless opportunities for ascent.... for detachment from evil can be offered to the being.... it does not use its free will and is therefore in greatest danger, and the love of the spiritual beings concerned for the souls is unable to influence the human being's will.... And so the struggle for them becomes increasingly more difficult and yet cannot be given up, for only through unceasing care and tireless devotion of spiritual strength is it possible to achieve a change of thinking and thus also to direct the will into other directions.... Sometimes it can be completely unsuccessful, however, in many cases a person whose salvation is extraordinarily struggled for, be it through prayer or the caring love of a fellow human being or also the incessant efforts of spiritual beings, precisely through the supply of such spiritual strength, will feel prompted to take a different path mentally than before.... He will suddenly feel an inclination towards spiritual exchange.... He will pay attention to spiritual problems and concern himself more with things that previously seemed unimportant to him. And this change in his thinking was only brought about by the love of the spiritual beings and the love of his fellow human being, and thus they wrest many a soul from the powers of darkness if they work together for such erring souls and have made their salvation their goal. Provided the beings in the beyond, who are responsible for the care of earthly beings, are supported by people's love, provided they are effectively assisted through faithful prayer and provided the door is opened to spiritual activity through human advice, success is inevitable and all such endeavours will lead to the goal, even if it often takes some time. For God in His infinite love is ready to give, and He will therefore leave no request unheard that concerns the salvation of the individual's soul. If a person's love is for the salvation of his fellow human being, the unselfishness of his love is proven.... he has only the welfare of the latter in eternity in mind and fears for the soul so that it does not fall prey to ruin. And the same motive also drives the beings in the beyond to tireless activity.... They are absorbed in their love for earthly people and want to protect them from the suffering and torments in the beyond, and all their endeavours are aimed at reshaping the thinking of the misguided earthly children. And therefore it is an incomparable blessing when a person's prayer is for the spiritual well-being of his fellow human being, and the struggle for such souls will find the greatest support from the spiritual side, as the united effort will make it much easier to overcome the evil power and lead the souls to the light....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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