
1117 Father's words.... reference to easy receiving and listening....

September 26, 1939: Book 20

Thoughts flow to you in unimagined abundance in order to be seized by you, but intellectual thinking does not allow these transmitted thoughts to be realized. The human being must surrender to the forces of the beyond without will and think nothing earthly.... he only has to want to speak to his creator and open his heart so that it hears the divine voice. And everything earthly will disappear from his consciousness and the forces of the beyond will be able to work unhindered. This state must be striven for in order to hear ever deeper wisdom and to always comply with divine will.... Wait for the moment that frees you from all doubts.... I desire your heart and can only take possession of it if you completely surrender it to Me, but without any external influence you must try to reach the goal, and only when you belong to Me completely will I speak to you in such a way that the last doubt disappears and you are henceforth indissolubly united with Me. Hearing the word is greatest bliss, it sweetens your every pain and lifts you above all heaviness, and you always and everywhere seek My spirit.... and I am so close to you that you feel Me and are at peace. For only love makes life worth living, but if you are inflamed with love for Me, all the world is far from you and you live with Me and for Me. For you have tasted heavenly delights and earthly life is nothing more to you than just the place where you are to fulfil your mission. And this will keep you upright if you are anxious, never forget that My love constantly cares for you and that I stand by your side in every situation in life, and be ready to help everyone in cases of earthly adversity. For if you train yourself to love, there will no longer be any barriers between us and My blessing will guide you on all your paths. Now try to increase your intimacy and enter into My light and My love, and when the hour has come which I have determined for you then I will come to meet you and welcome you into My kingdom with open arms, for I Myself have set the goal for you and will strengthen you so that you will reach it.... And always listen within until you hear the sound and regocnize My nearness in it. The hour is no longer far away and it will bring you liberation and make you completely a loving child of the heavenly father, and all striving upwards will now be crowned with success, for My love will guide you....


Translated by Doris Boekers