
1157 Constant battle against evil.... work of the spirit and purpose....

November 3, 1939: Book 20

The immense responsibility of the earthly man towards his soul should make him struggle tirelessly as long as he dwells on earth. Instead, he shakes it off and pays no attention to the soul's decline, which in turn is unspeakably ruinous. The battle against the evil powers should be an everlasting one, and every slackening increases their will to attack, and therefore the more careless a person is towards the enemy of his soul, the harder he has to fight, while the more resistance he is offered, the more his strength diminishes. The desire for God and abhorrence of all evil likewise weakens the power of the adversary, and the soul, as it were, escapes from its shackles and thus seeks to approach the eternal deity. The greater the desire for the light, the more the forces of the underworld avoid the earthly human being, but they utilize every weakness of the soul in order to influence the being that wants to escape them with renewed strength. And so constant caution is required, the human being should only ever think of his soul, which feels the state of negligence extremely agonizingly, and therefore the human will has to be active with increased strength in order to overcome the body's weaknesses so that the evil power does not gain power over his soul. All assistance from above will be granted to him if he pleads for it, and thus the earthly child is assured of all support if his will consciously turns to the eternal deity.

Receive in this certainty: The spirit that works in you hears the slightest stirring towards the divine in you, and it is ready to fulfil every plea. He wants to dispel every doubt in you.... he wants to give you certainty where you turn to him with questions.... he wants to bring you light where you walk in darkness.... he wants to introduce you to all knowledge and make the path passable for you which you have to walk on earth.... And so his work in you only ever has the purpose of maturing you and encouraging you to constantly strive. He wants to make it possible for you to fulfil the earthly task you have been given. And thus you will once again regocnize the father's infinite love, Who wants to help His child to achieve that which signifies supreme bliss.... He wants to give His child everything that eternity offers in terms of splendours and therefore provides him with all the means to achieve this goal. If the eternal deity now uses Itself with such infinite love for Its living creations, it must also be understandable that the human being likewise has to do something about it.... that he at least has to surrender his will, which is completely up to him, in order to receive incomparably beautiful things in return. The father only requires the child's will that it joyfully submits itself to the divine will and thus declares its willingness to strive upwards, and that it gratefully accepts all gifts which only serve this one purpose of leading the child towards the father so that He can now introduce it into His kingdom.... so that it remains eternally united to Him and all separation is overcome.


Translated by Doris Boekers