1055 Prediction of big events....

August 13, 1939: Book 19

Blessed be your beginning. For the sake of humanity, a tremendously busy activity of everything that can have a redeeming effect is unfolding. And so once again an event is in sight that will excite all minds or have a paralysing effect on the creative spirit. And many a person's resistance will fail because of this great experience.... many a soul will find its way back to the father Whom it regocnizes as the originator of all earthly events. And for the sake of these the lord will allow His strength and power to appear. He, Who knows all hearts, also knows which souls can still turn to Him and gives them His signs in such a way that countless people will indeed lose their earthly life but many will also gain life, the life that lasts for eternity. And this time, which is now coming upon earth, can rightly be called a time of battle, for many a person will also be in a battle with himself.... On the one hand he will not want to surrender his views, but on the other hand he will regocnize a power and a will and will not want to and cannot resist this will. And man must fight through this battle.... He must voluntarily surrender his own thinking, he must surrender preconceived opinions, he must try to become master of the thoughts of rejection arising in him and must finally fully commit himself to what he feels in his heart to be the truth and thus only follow the voice within himself which will already lead him on the right path, and once this victory has been achieved those people who were destined to die in the flesh will not have died in vain.... And this is so imminent that even the knowledgeable will be surprised, and therefore take note: Where the lord appears, giving and instructing, there is the limit of the event.... He who walks in the spirit of the lord will remain untouched, but the earth will be struck within the kingdom that counts the days and boasts of its power. Again a turning point of time has come, and again the world looks upon this land, and the spark that testifies to divinity begins to fall upon the land.... The spark that ignites the fire and that will not be extinguished, for the world's attention turns to that event which is far greater than all the strife and contention of the world. It no longer pays attention to the things that human will has conjured up but only to the instructions from above, and a door is lifted from its hinges that previously did not allow a view through. And only now does the human being regocnize the greatness and omnipotence of the one Who guides and directs all earthly life.... and blessed is he for whom this admonition does not come too late....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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