
1145 Helpless state in the afterlife.... help from other beings....

October 23, 1939: Book 20

It is still a blessed state, which all men should long for (grasp), that the spirit in you can free itself, for you still dwell on this earth and are free insofar that it is completely up to your will to loosen the fetters of the spirit or to keep it captive. Once you have ended this life, however, you yourselves are subject to laws and without strength and power. You only have your will left but are dependent on the help of other beings, and this means an agonizing state for you if you are still deep in your spiritual development. In view of your helpless state you must be assisted in order to ascend step by step towards higher development. You are completely dependent on help, you cannot do anything without the support of higher spiritual forces, and you also have to gain these again by willingly offering your services to those who have entered the beyond even more miserably, for every labour of love will also have such an effect there that whoever gives will receive.... And thus a person who has imperfectly departed from this earth is no longer able to do anything by his own strength, he is so helpless and abandoned if the higher beings do not take care of him or if strength is imparted to him through the loving remembrance and prayer of an earthly person. And to have to regocnize in this sad situation which gift of grace he let pass him by in earthly life is unspeakably bitter and therefore a state of remorse which triggers torments which you humans cannot measure....

(23 Oct. 1939) The state of suffering of such souls is conjured up by themselves, and that is why it also burdens the being in such a way that it would like to escape from it and is therefore grateful for every help which is granted to it in this situation. In order to help reduce the torment these souls are offered the opportunity to be lovingly active for their part. The neediness in the spheres of the imperfect is so great that only help from the beyond can alleviate it, and this is eagerly practiced by the cognizant in the will to make each other's condition bearable. And only through this is the darkness around such souls occasionally interrupted by a ray of light which again shows them a path which could improve their situation. The souls which follow such a ray of light often come close to people who have spiritual knowledge which is now also made accessible to the willing souls in the beyond. However, the prerequisites for accepting this knowledge are the same as in earthly life.... The being must have good will and be willing to love, i.e. it must sympathize with the suffering of those who share its severe suffering. The soul, which only thinks of its own suffering, will hardly accept spiritual nourishment and therefore also stand unimpressed in the face of a spiritual exchange from the beyond to earth, it opposes it just as negatively as earthly people in self-love do, for whom the spiritual nourishment likewise remains incomprehensible because it wants to be received in the heart but the heart has not yet been awakened to life in them....


Translated by Doris Boekers