1064 Sin against the Holy Spirit....

August 20, 1939: Book 20

At times the divine spirit reveals itself to you, and this is literally the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.... However, anyone who knowingly resists this, who resists receiving the most holy word and wants to break off all spiritual relationships and thus closes his heart to any spiritual flow, sins against the Holy Spirit because he regocnized him.... The spirit from God wants to make Himself known to all people for the salvation of their souls, and a divine gift should be received with a grateful heart and a joyful mind.... However, anyone who rejects something so wonderfully offered cannot be accepted again eternally, for he sins against the eternal deity by resisting its working. Man rejects a grace which you cannot even comprehend in its value, yet divine love regocnized humanity's plight on the one hand, and on the other hand it saw the infinite blessing which can arise from it if humanity allows itself to make use of the offer of divine love and to desire enlightenment through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. For the spirit of God comes to everyone who makes himself worthy of it and wants to have a redeeming effect on earth. God gives always and at all times.... He gives without limit, and His wisdom is imparted to those who lovingly entrust themselves to Him, present their spiritual poverty to Him and desire His grace. And thus no human being may pray in vain if his prayer only concerns spiritual nourishment and the earthly child would like to be truly informed about God and the true purpose of earthly life. The father in heaven withholds the truth from none of His children if it is earnestly desired. And thus the spirit of God will hover down and introduce the earthly child to all knowledge, and it must now also be taken note of in full faith so that humanity can examine it more closely and then be instructed accordingly by those who therefore have knowledge and gratefully receive the divine spirit's utterances....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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