
1545 Obstacles.... Love of neighbour....

July 30, 1940: Book 25

It is a time of inner struggle, which the person striving towards God has to live through, so that his will becomes strong and he finally decides in favour of or against God. For nothing can be gained without a fight, and what can be achieved effortlessly is of little value. But the divine gift.... of eternal life.... is so infinitely precious that no effort should be too great to promise this possession. Only a few people apply all their will to withstand all adversities of life and still serve God with the greatest devotion, and their perseverance will be a blessing, for at the same time their will and love for God will strengthen.... Whoever wants to reach God by overcoming obstacles will also have his strength increased, and it will soon seem easy to him what he previously thought was insurmountable. Only fighting or serving can lead you to the goal, yet where you willingly serve, the battle will become easy for you or be spared altogether. Yet at times you will become lukewarm in your service, and thus have to fight against adversity and obstacles which you cannot be spared, otherwise the danger of a standstill may arise which would be of great disadvantage to the soul. What is more difficult for the human being to achieve often spurs him on to utmost activity, and this is the purpose of such adversities, that you do not tire or stand still but steadfastly continue the path upwards.... and that you ask for strength so that it can be given to you to overcome everything that hinders you on the path upwards.... The commandment to love one's neighbour often requires a sacrifice of that which is desirable to man. He must be able to willingly give away what he himself possesses and his neighbour lacks, he must renounce it with joyfulness of heart, he must see his most beautiful task on earth in always giving what brings joy to his neighbour. Then he will experience the same in himself.... he will be given.... he will receive what the Lord Himself offers him, be it earthly or spiritually. God will always give to the one who gives to his neighbour. And thus, if the heart is involved in giving, the heart will also be allowed to receive. Earthly and spiritual gifts, offered in love, will bring in earthly and spiritual successes.... spiritual successes unmeasured and earthly reward, as far as this is beneficial for the soul. Thus a person will never deprive himself if his love for his neighbour prompts him to give. And therefore, misery and worry would never again be represented on earth if every human being would lovingly grant his neighbour help, for God Himself blesses every deed of love. However, humanity lacks the realisation that only love is redeeming. Self-love is strongly developed, and this in turn prevents people from practising neighbourly love, which is only of value if it is done without any self-interest. In most cases, however, the human being will think of his own well-being and, since he therefore does nothing to gain God's blessing and His love, will have to be made aware of the wrongness of his thoughts and actions, of his omission, through suffering and hardship, and thus cause hardship and suffering. For love redeems, but unkindness makes the human being unfree and keeps him in the adversary's bondage.... God Himself, however, cannot approach an unloving creature, and divine gifts can never be offered to him.... thus the human being, who only loves his own self and disregards his neighbour in need of help, has to thirst, for he cannot receive anything other than what he gives....


Translated by Sven Immecke