
1087 Entering into the will of God.... (after reading the catholic book about will)

September 9, 1939: Book 20

Behold, My child, in My creation are countless God-connected souls, some perfect, some struggling for perfection, and this is not only the merit of the individual but My immense love drew these creatures to Me and tried to help them in their struggle for perfection. If only one of My beings carries the desire for Me in its heart and complies with it, thus does what seems right to it in order to enter into contact with Me, then it already submits itself to My will and I can then easily guide it and also reveal Myself to such a being. The slightest inclination towards Me causes Me to seize the being created by Me and not to let it fall anymore. The more intimately this creature now joins Me, the more effectively My love can also express itself and consequently the process of refinement will start and the success of it will be recognizable within a very short time. I alone feel the sincerity of the requests, I alone regocnize the degree of love which is meant for Me, I also see the soul's struggle for perfection and therefore I also know what is right to offer the earthly child, for nothing in its inner life is secret to Me. I therefore enliven the spirit to the same degree as love is turned towards Me, and this leads the earthly child to the right knowledge, it introduces it to the right truth. Anyone who serves Me with deeds submits himself to My will, for I have made activity a law for you, and if you diligently remain active and integrate yourselves into the laws of divine order, My spirit of love will look after you and make itself known to you. And the active labour of love alone makes you My true children and also enables you to receive My word.... I do not demand of you earthly children a spectacle before the whole world, I am always content with your serious will to act according to My will, then I will also guide the earthly child such that it will always find its way closer to Me and it will no longer need to walk alone on earth. And if it hears My word it must have already subordinated its will to Mine and thus have entered into My will.... However, it must also not let up in its struggle for perfection and therefore always and repeatedly long for Me from the bottom of its heart, then it will also uninterruptedly surrender its own will and no formality is needed to prove this to the outside world. What you think and strive for in your innermost being is only valid before Me, for I do not need any confirmation of it since your thinking is sufficiently known to Me. And I bless the one whose spirit rises up to Me of its own accord and he will truly feel My blessing. Man is so incredibly short-sighted who takes an example from those who flaunt their piety before the whole world, for the truly pious person hides himself and dialogues with his creator in a quiet chamber. And if you do anything publicly.... if you are only interested in displaying a perfect being, you will already have your reward on earth, for humanity will honour and admire you. Yet My true children get lost in the world's hustle and bustle, they fight their way through and offer resistance to the world and its temptations, and it is far more valuable to make contact with their creator in the midst of the world and to surrender to Him and submit to His will. And you will regocnize it where the truth is offered, for the word of God, which the lord imparts to those who truly fulfil His will, is everlasting.... And thus it is unequivocally proven that earthly ecclesiastical power only grants permission where its commandments were complied with at the same time, and thus what was examined under such conditions cannot be of value, for the examiners themselves lack all higher knowledge. Yet I lovingly take care of the souls who long for Me and ensure their spiritual progress, for My love applies to all My earthly children who carry Me in their hearts....


Translated by Doris Boekers