1104 Power of evil.... release of the spirit.... redemption....

September 22, 1939: Book 20

He who is in the power of evil cannot so easily escape it and a perpetual battle must begin, and this battle can only lead to victory if the fighter submits himself to God the lord Himself, so that He may lead him into the battle and help him. Consequently, all struggle in the world is only successful if it is waged with God and directed against all evil. For the battle of destruction is always only against evil, good should emerge victorious and man on earth should only ever endeavour to overcome all matter as a part of evil. Then the good in him will increase and man will redeem himself from the power of evil. This is the meaning and purpose of all life on earth. But if it is now used to accumulate good to good, to increase matter, which is in fact part of evil, the course on earth is completely purposeless and the shell around the human soul thickens, which is to be dissolved in order to give freedom to the spirit within. All desire of matter intensifies the imprisonment of the spirit, which is of God, and gives the adversary ever new means to seize the soul. If only people would regocnize this and flee what seems desirable to them, for it will surely bring them ruin. For if the spirit cannot express itself from God.... if it cannot emerge from its covering, man is spiritually blind, he sees nothing, hears nothing and feels nothing of the breath of God in and around him.... he only pays attention to things that are outside, to the world and its illusory goods, and desires these with all his senses, while he carelessly rejects spiritual goods. And this state of the soul is incredibly burdensome for it and cannot be remedied until the human being lets go of his striving for earthly goods, for all matter, and turns to God of his own free will. And if the human being considers his imprisonment in matter throughout inconceivable times, which he was not allowed to end voluntarily and of his own free will, and now sets his stay on earth against it, which makes it easy for him to free himself from it.... it must nevertheless be unmistakable to him that he commits the greatest injustice against his creator, Who grants him this time of grace for complete liberation and he uses it so little. Yet if he does not believe he also rejects all admonitions and warnings, and this is the fundamental evil, that the human being lacks faith and thus all references to divinity, to the purpose and goal of earthly life, to soul and spirit are in vain and he thus rejects the truth and takes account of the spirit of lies, which makes everything appear desirable which is presented to the human being in terms of earthly possessions. And this is why it is necessary to preach the word of God to them again and again so that they regocnize their spiritual state and come to terms with it....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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