1551 Nuisances.... Fornication.... Faithlessness....

August 3, 1940: Book 25

You live in a world of nuisances, and you must take great care that it does not destroy you. You pay no attention to the false spirit around you, which wears the mask of the righteous and which can be your undoing if God does not grant you protection. Covetousness is rampant among mankind, there is a nameless immorality in all classes, and the spirit of purity is driven out, it finds no place where it can settle to work through man. And there is no help for mankind unless it helps itself and seeks to fight its lust once and for all. For man must also work on himself, and he must not indulge in any laxity if he does not want to cause unimaginable damage to his soul. The more faithlessness takes over, the less man respects the divine laws.... Life has become so self-evident to him that he does not consider it possible that it could be taken away from him, and he now seeks to savour this life and distances himself more and more from God. Earthly life, which was given to him for his union with God, for his complete liberation and for consciously working on his soul, is only then worth living when it is utilised. Yet as long as the earthly incentive is still effective the work on the soul can hardly be tackled, for this world no longer has anything in the way of earthly successes for a spiritual striving earthly child.... But earthly successes are certainly worth striving for a detached human being, yet not for a person permeated by the divine spirit....


1552 Destructive endeavour of the opposing power....

From a person (being?) glowing with love for God a current will emanate which directly reaches the soul of the one who likewise lives in God. However, this person will also be exposed to a counter-current. And that is the great danger, since everything that is evil also increases and works within itself, but always to the detriment of the soul. Man must ask God for increased protection so that his dealings with people will not be detrimental to his soul. Whoever serves God in all love, reverence and humility will feel every evil influence and know how to protect himself against it through prayer. Yet the human being should never deem himself so strong that he does not need this protection, for the opposing power is strong and only intent on destroying all currents and breaking every connection from earth to the beyond.... all threads from the human being to God..... Only where the will is so strong that it constantly demands God will it give up its intrigues. And therefore the human being should always and constantly entrust himself to spiritual protection, so that he will also be protected in hours when his own will is weaker, so that he will be warned at the right moment by his spiritual friends who are now fighting for him as it were.

Far too little use is made of the help of these beings and therefore the battle on earth is sometimes quite a difficult one, even for the earthly child who is turned towards God.... For it desires too little the strength from God, which transmitters are those spiritual friends. But if the human being hands himself over in full faith to the care of those beings of light working in God's will, then the human being may also constantly receive strength, for every perfect being that abides in love, distributes the strength unmeasured which it receives itself through divine love. And thus the adversary's doing is made more difficult, his power is curtailed, as it were, in that it is ineffective against people who want to receive such strength from God. And this is truly necessary at a time when all spiritual activity is denied.... If the human being abandons himself to those currents weak-willed, which emanate from the adversary, thus only strive for destructive success, he will weak-willed submit himself to this power , and his thinking will soon be misguided, his power of realisation will be weakened, his resistance will slacken and he will unconditionally accept what is whispered to him by that power, and which completely contradicts God's will. You will then be bound creatures, and you will lack the strength to release yourselves from this bondage, whereas the desire for God, the surrender to good spiritual beings, the will to receive good spiritual strength will free you from all compulsion, and the light of realisation will shine for you on all your paths through life. For God is within reach of everyone who merely desires Him....


1553 Divine love.... Greatest gift of grace.... ‘I do not give to you as the world gives....’

God's most marvellous gift is His greater that great love, which He offers to all people in order to make them blisfully happy. Divine love embraces all His creatures, it leaves no being out, only the degree of the rays of love varies depending on the being's distance from God. The strength of the will directed towards God determines the degree of God's love for man, and thus approaching God or distance from Him means increased or diminished love.... Thus, man can make himself partaker of the greatest gift of grace or deprive himself of it if his way of life is in accordance with God's will or strives completely against it. In divine love, man finds the fulfilment of his longing on earth, for a wondrous peace enters the heart of the one who is seized by God's love. He desires nothing other than to be able to remain in this divine love, he longs for God and demands nothing more from the world. God's love expresses itself in such a way that the human being always desires God more and more. Divine love therefore also ignites the fervour of love for God in the human heart.... ‘I do not give to you as the world gives....’ It is a different fulfilment that makes man happy; man no longer longs for earthly pleasures, but his desire is purely spiritual and so is the fulfilment of it. And yet it makes man unspeakably happy and cannot be compared with earthly happiness. After all, it is God Himself Who communicates Himself to people, for God is Love. To be made happy by God's love means to be allowed to carry Him within oneself, and therefore the human being should endeavour to only ever do what brings him divine love, as this guarantees him the most blissful state. Countless earthly pleasures may seem worth striving for to him, they are only deceptive lights in comparison to divine love, and they will also, like deceptive lights, extinguish and leave nothing behind, whereas divine love can never ever pass away once it has seized the earthly child, for what God gives is incomparably glorious and imperishable....


1554 Public confession.... Powerful appearance without shyness....

It requires a very special devotion to God to stand up as His confessor, and to bear witness to the world of His love and omnipotence. Not everyone is able to master the fear of earthly power. People become timid and fearful, and their faith wavers if they are threatened by human danger. He may be willing, but he does not have the inner strength, and will therefore come into serious inner conflict as soon as lawful action is taken against all zealous confessors of Christian doctrine. Extremely turbulent times are to be expected, and many a person will feel compelled to proclaim the divine Word, to enlighten humanity about their wrong way of life on earth. And this will earn him harsh reprimands from earthly authorities, and the human being will only be able to work for God.... in complete secrecy because he will never dare to go public. And yet this will be the only way to achieve success, for only a powerful appearance will be able to convince people of the truth of what he proclaims. And thus the person will have to speak of God and His work without shyness and fear, he will have to freely confess for Whose Name he is fighting; he will have to be completely open about the matter. He will only need to fear God alone and, regardless of the earthly danger, he will have to be fully committed to Jesus Christ as the Saviour of the world. For the spiritual is completely separate from everything earthly. Tremendous upheavals are always necessary to make people receptive to the divine teaching. This makes them thoughtful and accordingly easier to accept the teaching, which is of divine origin and remains unchanged. The people who take care of spreading the divine word will be blessed by Him. God Himself will lead them into battle, into the fight to spread the divine teaching. And where God Himself is the commander of the army, the battle will always end in victory. For He gives strength to those who fight for His Name, and they will speak as with the tongues of angels, proclaiming everything to the glory of God and sparing no effort to spread the divine teaching so that humanity will come to realisation, and ask God for knowledge in the last hour. And this time of battle will still cost many sacrifices, the human being will first reject everything, yet anyone who requests strength from God in order to recognise the truth will also receive it in abundance. For such people offer their thanks, and sacrifice themselves for the many unfortunates who only ever see the dreadful misery but not the spiritual success. And that is why the strength from God should be requested particularly urgently right now, and the human being should allow faith to become strong within himself so that he can take part in the battle, and thus also work with love for the Divine Lord and Saviour.... Amen

Translated by: Sven Immecke

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