
1080 The power of divine love....

September 3, 1939: Book 20

The fire spark of divine love will consume everything that resists it, for the strength of love is so great that it conquers everything, and thus every hostile force will have to submit to it unconditionally, albeit after an infinitely long time. And since the eternal deity wants to shorten this time in order to make Its living creations happy far sooner, It constantly endeavours to make the strength of love understandable and thus accessible to the beings in order to enable them to liberate themselves from the form in the shortest possible time and thus to show them the most practicable path which leads to unification with eternal love Itself. And thus it is to be understood that love has a redeeming effect, that.... in order to become truly free.... the being must have become pure love.... It is understandable why the eternal deity gave the commandment of love to people on earth, for since God is love Himself, that which wants to unite with Him must likewise be love, it must likewise merge with the fire of divine love. The more eagerly the human being works on himself and sets himself this goal of union with the supreme being, the brighter the divine flame blazes up in him and longs for the eternal bond with the primordial light, and the more eager the human being's activity of love on earth is, the more intoxicating the soul feels the approach to the divine spirit of love, admittedly less perceptible to the body but offering the spirit, which is God after all, an immense advantage, for it can now strive out of itself and thus the redemption of the spirit from night and fetters has, so to speak, already taken place through active love.... The power of divine love has conquered what had previously been in battle with the being, and everything that was conquered contributes towards increasing the victorious power, and thus the fiery stream of divine love will always and forever flood the world and all creatures and will never be weakened in itself or flow towards the creatures in meagre measure, but it will seize with omnipotence what opens itself to it, and divine love will flow through every creature so that it forms itself into love and thus immerses itself in the sea of divine love in order to be eternally merged with the eternal deity.... of love itself....


Translated by Doris Boekers