1135 Unused life on earth....

October 13, 1939: Book 20

Many a person travels his earthly path without significant success for his soul, and this is all too understandable in view of the fact that he has no thought of survival after death. An earthly life, which only has earthly prosperity as its only goal, understandably cannot result in eternal goods, and therefore such a life will not achieve anything which serves the soul's progress and is consequently lived uselessly.... The grace of embodiment has been disregarded and a millennia-long struggle has not found the right conclusion that it should find according to God's will.... But how serious and significant the consequences of an unutilized earthly life are for the spiritual being cannot be overlooked by the human being as such, yet his soul will have to bitterly atone for such an omission, after all, it is in greatest distress as a result and the thought is unspeakably bitter for it, that a marvellous life was actually granted to it and that it has robbed itself of it and that nothing will bring back the missed opportunity, thus it can never again reach the degree of perfection which it could easily achieve with the right use of earthly life. It can indeed struggle, and that now with extreme difficulty in the beyond, but it will hardly reach that degree over there which is the prerequisite for becoming a child of God. It is not for nothing that the lord has made the earth the centre of His creation.... He has endowed people with every ability that is fully sufficient for them to work their way up to a God-like creature.... And the divine creator's love is again so profound that it draws the earthly child upwards.... But where the latter neither respects this fatherly love nor cultivates the abilities that guarantee its spiritual progress, its mind is not directed towards drawing closer to the creator and producer. It turns more towards the opposite pole, which uses every means at its disposal to prevent this rapprochement with the eternal deity, but instead makes all earthly goods easily accessible to man.... thus allowing him to fall under the spell of matter, thereby increasing matter and preventing a higher development of the soul on earth. The spiritual influences of the opposing power are immense and thus poison the thinking of those who are too weak to offer resistance. And yet the lord God has created all people for the same purpose.... He has called them all to become bearers of His divine power.... He shows them all the right path, He distributes favours to them again and again, and yet this love is not respected to the extent that would be necessary to attain the degree of maturity on earth.... This gift of grace and God's obvious love is indeed often regocnized, yet without his own endeavour the human being can never attain this degree, and thus his will has to be active first and consciously dedicate himself to the highest goal on earth, and he must not forget the task he has been given for earthly life, then he will pay more attention to his earthly life in a spiritual respect, and this life of his will not have been lived in vain for eternity....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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