
1070 Purpose of the proclamations.... teachers in the afterlife....

August 25, 1939: Book 20

Visualize the lord's goodness and love, and through these receive: The lord's missions primarily aim at a perfect education of the recipient. Consequently, the receiving earthly child must be continuously instructed in all areas in order to be able to pass on what he has been given to people and thus be able to preach the gospel to them. Not only a single person is to become knowledgeable through these proclamations, but the knowledge is to be spread and serve an upward development of man. And thus all forces in the beyond that are active in teaching must co-operate. The teaching forces are at work in a certain order and the proclamations depend on the respective will to receive of the earthly child.... Its desire is decisive as to which spiritual instruction it receives. And thus an increased love for God and a deepened faith will be rewarded accordingly through proclamations which delight the earthly child in their depth and wisdom. And if it now strives for the greatest possible spiritual progress it will also thereby increase its ability to receive spiritual gifts, and it will not be able to do enough spiritual work and only ever want to receive.... and this will brings about ever higher results. The willingness of a receptive soul is particularly desirable to the teachers in the beyond, for it makes their teaching work much easier, as there are fewer obstacles to mental transmission.... Now every proclamation has to fulfil the teaching purpose as well as to impart spiritual strength at the same time, for every gift offered from above is spiritual strength in itself, and the earthly child will sense this through increased will for spiritual work. And thus the urge to work for the lord and to become an active labourer in His vineyard will also increase, and this is of such great importance, for only then will the earthly child also make use of the received teachings by willingly passing them on and thus serving according to divine will. The activity of the teaching beings in the beyond is so varied. They must take into account the disposition of the earthly child and exercise the greatest patience if the result of their endeavour is to be satisfactory and the work of redemption on earth is to be successful. Yet if the human being's will is good, his strength is also great enough, for he will be given more and more as long as he only asks.... And only weakness of will, weakness of faith and diminishing activity of love reduce the measure of spiritual gifts.... Yet as long as the earthly child asks for strength and grace it will not slacken in its endeavour and thus be allowed to draw wisdom upon wisdom, because the teachers in the beyond are only ever willing to give in their activity of love and only require the human being's will to do so. The beings of light impart themselves to people to such an extent that their gifts are truly sufficient to gain knowledge in a very short time, yet it must always be taken into account that the spiritual task of the recipient is not ignored.... He who receives much should also give much, and only the willingness to distribute the gifts he receives enables the earth child to receive them again and again. It can therefore draw from the source of divine wisdom as long as it also conveys the drink to others who are thirsty, and thus the father will also always and constantly quench its thirst because the earthly child desires spiritual gifts not for itself but also for its fellow human beings.... and thus expresses its will to likewise be active on earth as a teacher....


Translated by Doris Boekers