1543 Emergence of thoughts....
July 28, 1940: Book 25
From the abundance of thoughts, that thought always rises to the surface, which adapts itself to the human being's will.... that is, it is the will itself which determines the path the human being's thinking takes. The human brain is full of impressions; they all try to penetrate the human being's consciousness, yet the will decides in favour of a certain thought, and this is then either developed further or rejected, depending on whether the human spirit enters into contact with the spirit of God, providing spiritual results are striven for. This is by no means to be understood in such a way that the human being could only have such thoughts as he strives for as a mere human being. Now, the spirit from God can also be active by also letting the outside impressions have an effect on man, so that each of the received thoughts can be of importance, provided man strives for spiritual knowledge and therefore desires enlightenment. Whereas with an earthly minded person only the thinking apparatus as such comes into function, thus the answers to the question asked are irrelevant, since they do not serve the person's spiritual advancement. Every question can therefore be asked spiritually and thus also answered spiritually, just as the same question can also find a purely earthly answer. And thus, the source from which wisdom can be imparted to the human being is inexhaustible, for the spirit from God will always and constantly distribute such wisdom, for divine wisdom is unlimited. It only depends on how far the human soul has shaped itself in order to be able to receive what is imparted to it by the spirit. It must have brought itself into a state that it feels the finest vibrations of the spirit, and hears the faintest sound of the heart's voice within itself. The spirit from God always wants to give and instruct, but the receiving devices are not always as carefully adjusted that they hear the faintest vibrations. The human being must willingly close his ear to the world, he must not give room to any earthly thought within himself, he must not allow anything foreign to enter as a disturbance, but he must only pay attention to the impulses within himself which are spiritually conditioned, that is, which the spirit within the human being wants to impart to the soul. Initially, this voice in the human heart is not easy to understand and requires the greatest attention, and the elimination of all earthly thoughts. Yet it is extremely easy for the human being to effortlessly receive spiritual messages, if he endeavours to exclude all earthly thinking and only desires to be taught by the divine spirit. The world with all its attachments disturbs the inner connection with the pure-spiritual givers of divine truth, thus the reception will always be difficult or even completely prevented as long as earthly problems still affect the human being, and these cannot be completely eliminated at the time when the imparting of spiritual knowledge is to take place. It is of particular importance that all stimuli of the world have to be avoided, if the soul is to be spiritually encouraged and the human being is to increase his knowledge of spiritual truths, for every earthly distraction is a hindrance, because it renders the human being's soul incapable of hearing the spiritual voice, and divine wisdom cannot be conveyed to the human being by other means such that it can be received without doubt. And therefore, the separation from the world must have taken place completely, if the earthly child wants to gain insight into the miracles of divine creation, which otherwise remain withheld from him according to the Lord's wise counsel....
Translated by Sven Immecke