1539 Purpose and cause of the proclamations....
July 25, 1940: Book 25
Pure Word of God....
United endeavours will succeed in making the Christian teaching accessible to people again in all purity, for the Lord pours out His spirit everywhere and enlightens those who want to serve Him. And thus they will be knowing and be aware of how to distinguish between what corresponds to the truth and what human teachings have been added to Christ's teachings. And as willing people place themselves at God's service they will also be called upon to fulfil a task of which they themselves are sometimes not yet fully aware. They are appointed as mediators of the divine Word and are now to enlighten people who have been caught up in error, who have accepted erroneous teachings as truth, and whose path upwards has therefore been made more difficult. No human being will want to close their mind to a convincing explanation of God's will, but very often people do not strive for the pure truth, and the reference to God's love and omnipotence is in vain, if the human being does not have the will to be enlightened about God and His working. The desire for God and the search is the prerequisite that He allows Himself to be found, and that He makes Himself known through words of love. But if the human will remains completely untouched, it will also be completely indifferent to the fact that Christ's teaching requires purification, and it will neither recognise the purpose nor the cause of divine proclamations; indeed, it will only laugh derisively at people's credulity. And his own train of thought will go completely astray. But the pure teaching will spread, and this all the more surely as the divine Word, which is pure and unadulterated, comes from above. ‘My word will not pass away forever....’ God speaks from His Word, from what was originally given by God, and He revitalises this Word with His power. So it will work where it is believed and accepted as a gift from heaven. The teaching of Christ has been indisputably distorted by people and therefore could not possibly work in its present form, consequently the teaching must become again what it originally was, and this is what the Lord aims to achieve through the re-proclamation of His teaching, for only this pure teaching can bring about the success that man becomes noble and good, that he consciously unites himself with God and draws the highest benefit from this union. God Himself gives the Word to His children, He establishes the connection and communicates Himself through the Word to those who love Him.... Yet where there is human error God has to avoid people, for His purity cannot be where the spirit of falsehood is active. But everything that is purely human work is a lie, for the human being errs as long as they do not unite with God in order to receive the pure truth from Himself. And therefore it is necessary that people recognise the value of these proclamations, that they recognise the meaning and purpose of earthly life, and that they are now offered a means in order to shape earthly life meaningfully and purposefully, and to shape themselves in accordance with God's will....
This proclamation
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