1149 Union with God....

October 26, 1939: Book 20

In a relatively short time the soul is able to unite with the spirit if the human being is seriously interested in entering into union with the eternal deity and thus breaks down all barriers that were erected between him and the father in heaven. The will to unite with God removes one obstacle after another, for the greatest obstacle was the turning away from the eternal deity of his own free will. The more intimately the earthly child strives for union, the more openly it now expresses its will, and its thinking is therefore on the right track, which leads to the realization of eternal truth. It will now also shy away from lies and lose all arrogance, it will do everything in order to please the eternal deity and consciously discard what could be an obstacle to unification with It, and the human being can accomplish this in a short time and redeem himself, for love and the desire for the father will let the child find the right path.... By virtue of His love the father draws the child to Himself, He finds no resistance and thus the union can take place in a short time. And now the earthly child can certainly continue its path on earth but is to a certain extent relieved of the heaviness of earth, for its spirit no longer dwells on this earth but in high and highest regions. And the time on earth which now follows can be called incomparably successful, for to be united with God means to be able to work in His will and thus to carry out what is divine will. The human being is then driven by the spirit of God.... he can do nothing other than what God tells him to do, i.e. he feels the father's command in the depths of his heart as an urging and then carries it out with complete conviction and dedication.... He is visibly guided and determined to do this or that and willingly follows every call of the father, only ever listening to the voice of the heart and carrying out the instructions that come to him tangibly in his heart. And so the human being only has to overcome the one thing of allowing his own will to rule.... he must place himself completely under the divine will and accept it without hesitation if it is conveyed to him by the voice of the heart. Then every hostile influence soon disappears and the human being can now undoubtedly rely on the inner whisperings, and he soon regocnizes divine will as the driving force of his actions, for he must now always do what is imparted to him by God Himself.... The eternal deity expresses Himself clearly and comprehensibly and therefore not in the least doubtful. The spirit from God can bring about everything in a person if he is granted complete freedom.... It is therefore able to do everything because the working of the spirit is nothing other than God's working, and consequently the human being, who has therefore completely entered into God's will, will bring about the most marvellous things, because it is not his spirit but the spirit of God that works in him. Therefore, first strive for union with God.... seek to become completely one with Him.... enter into His will, and you will then only carry out what is God's will and what He has called you to do since eternity....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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