
1038 Father's words.... praying in spirit and in truth.... tradition.... piety.... faith....

August 5, 1939: Book 19

All strength from Me will overtake you, My child, and I will protect you everywhere. It is an unspeakably blissful feeling for a human child to hear My voice, yet it must already be so strong in itself that it will not lose contact with earth as long as I leave it on earth; nevertheless, the hour is no longer far away when My spirit will tangibly express itself to you, and so patiently wait for this time and always and constantly seek Me, and My nearness will be certain to you, My love will protect and guide you on the right path. The road to eternity has to be travelled bravely and courageously, after all, a goal has to be reached which promises unimaginable splendours, and the desire for it should be your incentive, for all bliss requires union with Me, and achieving this is the only purpose of earthly life. That is why I admonish you to faithfully endure and demand your heart.... Everything belongs to Me, but you should offer it to Me voluntarily and prove this to Me by serving Me. Man does not live alone, many a task is set for him and the path is clearly shown to him as to how he can reach Me through love for his neighbour. If I desire your heart then you should offer this to Me in works of neighbourly love, you should regocnize My brother in your neighbour and thus do the same to My brother as you would like to do to Me if I were visibly present among you. And your love for Me will then be recognizable and I will love you again with all intimacy and draw you to My heart, for then you will have become love, that is, you will have become one with Me and thus never be separated from Me. You loved ones on earth are all My children after all, you just don't regocnize yourselves, yet My love will not abandon you and will use all means so that you will not lose your bliss. My love remains the strictest secret to you if you do not open your heart to Me. But what the father reveals to those who are truly His children you all cannot grasp; but whoever is in Me harbours Me Myself in his heart and My power and glory will be revealed to him, even though he still lives on earth, if only he has become pure love. Your anxiety, My child, will also make you strive, and where I Myself beckon to you as a reward you will call upon all spiritual strength for support and it will be granted to you so that a child's longing for the father will be satisfied.... And you should write this deep into your heart so that the father's eyes and ears will incline towards everyone who seeks His spirit.... Whoever wants to come to Me, I am close to him and already turn his thoughts to the right realization.... He who silently worships the eternal deity never has to fear that his prayer will go unheard.... The seeker will find Me, the one who longs for Me will possess Me, and the one who gives himself fully to Me will be united with Me for all eternity. For I know all your thoughts and am in the most intimate union with those who do not deny Me. And if you, My child, ask yourself why you of all people should fulfil this task, let it suffice for you to answer that I come to the one who comes to Me.... who finds the way to Me in spirit and in truth. Behold, people have such a wrong concept of their divinity that they go such wrong ways, that they look for Me in infinite distance and that My strength and power is also a very distant concept to them.... They certainly also speak of God's love but they do not grasp this word in its deepest meaning either, otherwise they would have to know that My love wants to grant them everything that is beneficial to them and that precisely that which I deny them cannot be beneficial to them.... and if the hardship and suffering on earth seems unbearable to them they would have to realize that their life on earth is such that I have to let such things happen to them because I am love Itself.... And yet they are unaware of My great love for My children.... And the God to Whom they pray is nothing other than a tradition inherited from the fathers.... a faith which one does not want to drop out of piety, but never the true living faith which allows the heart to pray to Him sincerely, i.e. in spirit and in truth. Yet I am close to those who do so, so close that they can feel My breath, hear My word and receive My spirit.... And only those who seek Me so closely will be allowed by Me to participate in the work of redemption already on earth.... This task is so exceedingly great and necessary for the sake of the many erring souls, and once again My call sounds to all those who want to serve Me: I need you.... I still want to bring salvation to many through you.... I want to speak to people through you, and your activity in love shall make this possible. And if therefore the call goes out to you to fight for the one Who loves you, then follow this call with haste and do not let yourselves be held back; I do everything out of love for you and I will reward you for the love you show Me for all eternity.


Translated by Doris Boekers