1013 Sun....

July 21, 1939: Book 19

What brings about this extraordinary luminosity?.... What is the connection between the forces that simultaneously ignite undreamt-of physical and spiritual effects and ignite an extraordinary light and thus remain inimitable in every respect?.... How do the spiritual currents relate to each other, and what visible or earthly explainable natural force underlies this luminosity?.... These are all questions that penetrate so deeply into spiritual knowledge that the human intellect is truly too small to answer them for itself. Only where purely spiritual knowledge is striven for at the same time can clarification be given, for only in the working of the spiritual forces lies the reason for this miracle of creation. Incomparably sublime is the awareness that man has, as it were, a right to be informed about it, that he may and also should fill in every gap in his knowledge and that consequently no limits are set for him if he is interested in any questions concerning creation. Especially the sun with its radiant effect is indisputably the greatest riddle in nature for men, and yet they desire little or not at all the instructions which are offered to them from above and which in turn alone can be authoritative, because only the deity Himself can explain in detail and comprehensibly something which has its origin infinitely far away from earth. The neutral combination of two elements results in a new substance.... and this law underlies everything. The union of unexplored forces, on the other hand, produces certain frictions, because each force wants to express itself and displace the other. Where such friction arises, the body at the centre, whether solid or not, must ignite, i.e. rebel against the force oppressing it. Consequently, every appearance of light is a resistance of one force to the second force that wants to express itself. And it is the same with every spiritual current of power....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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