
1058 Essence of matter....

August 16, 1939: Book 19

Matter appears insubstantial to the human being and insubstantial everything that does not visibly harbour life. And he does not consider how serious the stay in matter is for all spiritual things.... how matter is the gathering place of all immature spirit and what an important purpose is therefore intended for matter by the eternal creator.... And therefore matter itself must have originated from the will of God.... Consequently, as God's will having become form it must be something which must endure, it cannot arbitrarily sink back into nothingness but must remain.... and is therefore imperishable, yet changeable in itself. And everything that is imperishable must be spirit, from the spirit of God.... And this spiritual substance out of God is enclosed in a cover which is visible to you humans, thus that which is visible to you as matter is hidden, i.e. encased spiritual substance, the cover of which is nevertheless subject to constant change for the purpose of uniting the spiritual substance and thus of constant increase. This clear explanation gives you information about the disputed question whether and to what extent matter is insubstantial, and it sufficiently explains the importance of everything that comes to light visibly in creation. What exists is all spirit out of God, but to men on earth all spiritual remains again invisible, however must be made recognizable to the human eye and therefore be purely outwardly visible. And therefore the term 'matter' cannot be understood in any other way than that countless spiritual beings took up residence in visible shells created by God for a purpose.... And it is now the task of these beings to break through the cover, therefore to become free of every cover.... i.e. to overcome matter.... Nothing is without purpose in creation, and nothing visible remains unchanged, even the spiritual is constantly changing, yet not visible to the human eye, and this leads the human being (16 Aug. 1939) to the assumption that matter harbours nothing essential, nothing living. Man cannot follow the development of matter in the short time on earth because it often takes an incredibly long time before an old form has dissolved and changed into a new form. And therefore everything that needs a long time to change appears to man as completely dead, as insubstantial, because where man can observe a constant reshaping, there he already admits a certain life in himself, and where a life is ascertained, there one also rather regocnizes the spiritual power, which is just the epitome of 'life'. The more man now gives room to the thought that everything created is, as it were, God's breath, but that the breath of God can never ever be something dead, insubstantial, but always and constantly stimulating power, which stimulates everything to activity, but never remains in inactivity, then he never again regards the solid form visible to him as an inanimate mass, and the connection of all works of creation becomes clear to him, because all these works of creation are carriers of innumerable entities which strive towards a union within themselves and for this require both a long time as well as an external form....


Translated by Doris Boekers