1544 Laws against the divine teaching.... Eradication of these....

July 29, 1940: Book 25

The unscrupulous actions and activities of those who do not recognise God will have great consequences. Their endeavour is to completely separate themselves from what has previously determined all their thoughts and actions. They do not recognise the laws that are based on faith in God, in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and Redeemer of the world. They create their own law, and everything that serves as a means to an end is good.... regardless of whether it corresponds to the commandment of Christian love for one's neighbour. And so, the commandment of love is eliminated and, under the guise of unselfishness, decisions are made that have serious consequences, namely to the extent that people lose their connection with God because they begin to doubt His justice. However, God leaves people the free right to determine what is earthly as long as what is God's is not touched, as long as the divine teaching, which testifies to Him and His omnipotence, love and wisdom, is not attacked such that all faith in God disappears. For faith in God and the resulting trust will help to overcome everything that comes upon the human being as earthly adversity, and such determinations, which indeed have a painful effect on earth, do not yet require God's countermeasures. But as soon as faith in God is forcibly destroyed, as soon as the teaching of Christ is intended to be eradicated, people's freedom of will is horribly abused on the one hand and violated on the other, for it is the most serious offence against God to dismiss what He Himself has given to us as untrue and worthless.... and an equally serious offence against fellow human beings to forbid or dictate to them what their own will would still affirm or must deny. And therefore, all those who want to create something worthless and deprive humanity of the truly divine teaching given by Jesus Christ invite judgement upon themselves, for this signifies a spiritual decline of unimaginable proportions. This means chaos in spiritual terms, which irrevocably requires God's intervention if He does not want to let the people of the present time fall prey to eternal destruction. For the laws (commandments) issued by people go against the divine order, they have a destructive effect, but not a constructive one.... They are not based on faith in God or the fulfilment of His commandments, and therefore do not correspond to the divine will.... and everything that openly opposes God will be destroyed.... Amen

Translated by: Sven Immecke

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