1608 Divine order....
September 12, 1940: Book 25
Guiding it to bless....
Only One Will applies to the universe. And this will governs everything spiritual as well as earthly visible to the eye, that is, His entire work of creation, which came into being through His will. As far as the divine will is now obeyed by the spiritual, which is still banished in fmatter, as well as the spiritual, which is free of every fetter, the divine order is completely established; and only a higher development of all spiritual substance can be the result of it. The state of free will, however, which is granted to the spiritual for its final redemption, is often the greatest danger for it, for it begins to revolt against divine will. Through its will, it therefore grants a certain power to God's opposite pole, which now opposes the divine will. ButGod does not force this will; and therefore, during the embodiment as man, the earthly creation is ,so to speak, exposed to another power as soon as man himself gives his consent to it. Thus, the human will now consciously opposes the divine will, and is not prevented from doing so but has to accept the consequences of the wrong directed will. Divine will is always directed towards perfection, towards the good, towards the lightful state of His beings and the increase of good spiritual strength, whereas the adversary's will only strives for the opposite and the human being supports, thus favours, this endeavour through his will. And only because of this is it possible that there is unparalleled chaos on earth, that spiritual as well as earthly disintegration is noticeable, that the elements of the underworld are obviously noticeable, and that humanity is increasingly heading towards its downfall. For this is what the adversary wants, he wants to destroy everything that testifies to God and usurp His power. And he succeeds in doing so, insofar as the human being's will is submissive to him. However, he cannot force this will, he can only weaken it in such a way that it completely subordinates itself to him. Therefore, the state of free will is a danger for the being, insofar as it can throw it back again into deepest spiritual night, which it had already overcome for the most part. But the divine will nevertheless governs everything that exists, although He leaves the being free will and He does not banish the adversary's will.... He also directs everything caused by this evil and wrong will such that it can nevertheless result in the human being's release from this power. People themselves cause all disasters which befall them and yet this disaster can be a blessing to them again; thus, free will is indeed the cause of the most dreadful events on earth, and yet these can bring realisation to the individual person again.... they can be the cause of a complete inner transformation, of turning away from the one who was the originator of the dreadful events....
What is the fault of human will can, through divine will, become the opposite of what it should actually be. Complete disintegration and indescribable chaos can suddenly order the human being's thoughts and make them subject to divine will, and every deed which evil will gave birth to can lead to the salvation of erring souls by recognising what is detestable and now turning to their Creator full of desire, and finally submitting their will to divine will....
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