
1584 Admonition of a father from the hereafter to his children....

August 27, 1940: Book 25

The strength of a soul wants to make itself known to you and asks you to listen: It is incredibly difficult to get in touch with my loved ones because they do not consider this connection possible, and so I ask you to inform them of the following: I have the incomprehensible grace of being allowed to speak out in order to make the responsibility of life on earth very clear to my children, and I would like to warn you not to let this go by unused. I fear unspeakably for your souls and would like to approach you mentally, but I cannot do so without your help, for your will must also be prepared to listen to me. You can get in touch with me at any time if only you let your thoughts dwell with me and listen to what I mentally announce to you. For you can only fulfil your ministry on earth when you profess God and serve Him first before you take people's commandments seriously.

It is a special situation that allows me to approach you. I would like to save you from a fate which you will inevitably meet if you do not believe my words. It is not an easy fate that awaits those who betray their Lord Jesus Christ by joining a denomination that wants to deny Him. They must suffer unspeakably and I cannot free myself from the thought that you, my beloved ones, will have to share the same fate when your life on earth is over. You put yourselves in great danger through erroneous thinking, and you have to ask God Himself for help that He may guide your thoughts correctly, that He may give you the realisation of truth; you have to do everything to prepare your souls for the beyond. And pay attention to the words which come to you from above. Do not reject them but accept them into your heart; try to show some understanding for this message and thereby relieve me of a great concern for you, for whose salvation I fear. I am always and constantly close to you and want to help you with advice and action, you just have to be willing to listen to me, that is, you have to send your thoughts to me and stay with me, and I will then speak to you as I did on earth. This extraordinary favour has been bestowed upon me because you are making no effort whatsoever to come to the right realisation, and I fear for your souls. Do not leave me in this concern for you, my beloved ones, and faithfully accept these words with which I want to come to your aid, for you are in the greatest danger. You will recognise me and the truthfulness of these words when I tell you my name: Ernst Leopold.... ?


Translated by Sven Immecke