
1137 Eternal damnation.... non-being - being unredeemed....

October 15, 1939: Book 20

The creator of heaven and earth is inseparably connected with all His creatures, nothing is viable without the supply of His strength and thus this strength has to be imparted to every work of creation in order to sustain it. Thus all beings are in constant union with the supreme being and therefore the being can only go a non-God-willed path without, however, being able to completely separate itself from its creator and producer. It will always have to make use of the creator's grant of strength, even though in the final stage of its development, in the delusion of its thinking, it believes itself to be independent of any power above it. Not wanting to regocnize a power does not exclude the existence of such a power.... Therefore, if the being wants to separate itself from its creator, this only happens in its own thinking by consciously turning its will away from the divine will.... but it can never separate itself from its creator through such thinking, for this would be tantamount to 'non-being'.... Separation is therefore impossible, and the conscious turning away from God only has the consequence that this being does not strive for the liberation of the spirit, but prefers to remain in an unredeemed state, i.e. it puts itself back into the banished form, as it were, which it had already overcome.... and thus widens the gap between the creator and itself into infinity instead of narrowing it. And this decline is like an eternal damnation, for it is an endless time of unspeakable agony for the being.... There is no non-being.... only an unredeemed being.... The path to redemption is possible for every being and all conceivable help is granted to it.... Only the union with God must be striven for, but not the distance from God.... God draws the beings to Himself in His infinite love as long as they only look up to Him.... Yet if He finds resistance in the human being's will and His love is not accepted, the supply of grace will also cease; however, the supply of strength from God will still be granted to him as long as the earthly path has not yet been travelled. Only in the beyond will the being that offered resistance feel the lack of divine strength, it is then effectively left to its own devices. Even then it still has the opportunity to bridge the gulf, however, there is also the obvious danger of falling into endless depths if its stubbornness is so great that it still rejects all help. And then the path downwards has been taken which ends in captivity again.... that the being is again incorporated into the solid form and has to go through the course of its higher development again for eternities until finally the separation of the creature from the eternal creator is overcome....


Translated by Doris Boekers