1048 Agony of the naked souls.... celebrations on earth....

August 11, 1939: Book 19

At the hour of death the soul is in extreme distress if it regocnizes the idleness of its life, and this hour is then a terrible struggle for it. It passes through the gate of eternity poor and abandoned, in a state that is pitiable because it remembers its failed life and cannot absolve itself of guilt. And in this adversity it is often painful what presents itself to the spiritual eye of such souls when they are unusually honoured and celebrated on earth and yet these celebrations cannot be brought into any connection with the extremely miserable existence in the beyond. All splendour on earth is an unspeakable pain for this soul as it was, so to speak, the cause of its worldly striving and thus of its present situation. And now this soul walks along in nakedness and extreme poverty, and all the festivities on earth that take place for its sake cannot give it the slightest relief.... They only fill the soul with anger, and the self-reproaches are so terrible that it wanders about in an agonizing state. Only a thought sent after it in love can bring it relief, and thus the soul can only hope for relief if it leaves people behind on earth who were united with it in true love. Every work of love, no matter how small, which it once did on earth is a blessing for it, now it is in all nakedness, and if a person on earth remembers it lovingly, this gives it strength, and in its abandonment it looks for a way which can bring it relief from its dreadful situation. However, the emptier its earthly life was in terms of works of love, the more difficult it will be for it to find the path to light....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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