
1159 Broadcasts from heaven.... preconditions....

November 4, 1939: Book 20

Those who desire Me are welcome servants to Me, for I see their will and their heart which is always turned towards Me. The willingness to fight for Me and My name assures them My everlasting love, and they must reach the heights which My love grasps and draws towards Me. You will strive for union with the father of all with all your senses, for I will not leave you once My love has seized you.... I will show you the way so clearly and your heart will always make My will known to you. That is why you are under My protection and safe as long as you walk on earth, for the light of the sun shines for you by day and the guiding star of My love by night.... My grace is in every ray of the sun and in every star that your eyes behold. My love is always and everywhere ready for you, and I am never far from you, for your thought alone is enough for Me to regocnize your call for Me, and I follow this call at all times to grant My child on earth protection against all adversity and danger. And if the child does not take a single step without Me, I will soon enter his heart completely and always remain with him for all eternity. So let this be said to you as consolation: the broadcasts from heaven confirm these words of Mine. They can only be offered to the earthly child who offers his heart to Me, and the will to be united with Me is a prerequisite for hearing My word. And thus, when the word descends to you, the giver of the word must unite with the recipient.... And yet the child should shape itself in all depth and thoroughness and must therefore constantly be encouraged to do so, so that the longing becomes so strong that it only lives in union with Me, that all its thoughts become spiritualized and it strives for perfection with all its senses in order to be able to receive Me in its heart, and thus life must seemingly pass by without external changes so that the earthly child will not slacken in its endeavour, so that it will not prematurely deem itself mature but constantly stretch its hands up to the father in prayer that He may protect it and make it worthy of the great grace.... For My children shall become perfect and share in all the glory which My love would like to offer them one day....


Translated by Doris Boekers