
1596 Co-operation of those who are of the same spirit.... Word of God....

September 3, 1940: Book 25

Great spiritual successes can be achieved through a joyful co-operation as long as it is aimed at spreading the divine teaching. People must not set themselves a limit which they feel it is inadmissible to cross, but all their thoughts and endeavours must be directed towards serving God by promoting and contending for His Word where it is necessary. No opportunity should be missed to proclaim the teaching of Christ to people as God presents it from above. For when this teaching is received, it will touch the heart and cause people to reflect, then the Spirit from God shall work directly in those people who are willing to listen to Him. The words will ignite and kindle a holy fire in the hearts of those who accept them as divine mission. And it will exert an unspeakably beneficial influence, people shall be willing to love and turn to God in heartfelt devotion, and they shall long for the bread of heaven and gratefully receive it, for the divine spirit of love will flow into the hearts of people who see the refreshment of their souls in the Word of God. And He takes hold of them and never lets them go.... For God's Word is strength which emanates from Him.... It is God Himself Who utters Himself and lovingly leans towards those who recognise Him as Father, and childishly desire His Word. And so the Word Itself comes to you, you should receive it and pass it on, so that the spiritual hardship amongst humanity will be remedied, and the community of believers will increase. And this shall be your consolation, that the Lord is present where He is longed for, for He is in the hearts of people who seek Him, love Him and want to serve Him, once they have found Him. If all who are of the same spirit unite, the church of Christ will be strong and unconquerable, for Jesus Christ Himself will lead it and be in the midst of those who proclaim His Word, and speak in His honour.... Amen

Translated by Sven Immecke