
1602 Mood disorders.... Depression.... Proof of love....

September 8, 1940: Book 25

People do not pay attention to the different currents which are expressed in different states of mind and are therefore also not informed that these currents are not coincidences either, that therefore the emotional life of man is also a result of his attitude towards God or the opposing power. It is precisely the human being suffering from such moods of mind who is visibly seized by God's love, for God takes care of the human being who is in danger of forgetting Him by influencing the human being's emotional life, impairing the joy of life and allowing a general despondency to take possession of him. And in many cases, this is tremendously beneficial, for only at such times does the human being's thoughts turn to his Creator; only when everything earthly has lost its value does the human being remember his true purpose. And therefore, days of inner struggle must come over people, days in which they realise the frailty of earthly enjoyment. Real hardship and suffering need not always be the reason for this, the gloomy mood can arise in the human being himself without external cause. And this is the influence of those beings to whom people are entrusted, and who are concerned about their soul's salvation and anxiously watch over every stirring of the human heart. There is an obvious danger that the human being will devote all his strength to the demands made on him by earthly life; then they will intervene by strongly inhibiting the zest for action, the joy of earthly life, and the human being will fall into a depressed mood. And it is good if a person allows himself to be influenced by them.... if such times bring him hours of inner contemplation, then they have not come upon him in vain. Yet not all people listen to the inner admonition.... Very many try to stifle their emotions in heightened earthly enjoyment, and they also succeed because their will is more focussed on earthly life, and they thoughtlessly pass over such moods, only intent on restoring the old state of inner contentment. Let not the man complain whose life has days which seem difficult and unbearable to him, and which are only caused by his emotional life. God's love is close to them, and such hours are only aids from friends in the beyond who want to prevent the human being from losing himself in earthly pleasures. Everything that gives the impression on earth that the human being has to live in want in earthly life is always just a proof of grace from divine love, which can only guide the human being onto the right path in this way, onto the path that leads to eternal glory and will fully compensate the earthly child for what it had to do without or give up on earth. For earthly pleasures pass away but the eternal glories remain, and these alone are the ones which should be desired on earth....


Translated by Sven Immecke