1541 Different situation in life is irrelevant for higher development....
July 26, 1940: Book 25
It is irrelevant for the human soul which path it has to travel on earth, for every path is suitable to shape the soul in accordance with God's will, and it will only depend on the proportion in which the means of grace are utilised. Every human being has the right to utilise these means of grace, yet not every human being makes use of the divine offer. And it truly has no influence on the soul's higher development whether the human being is in an easy or difficult battle of earthly life.... only his attitude towards God is important. And he can find the right attitude towards God in every situation in life, for this is not dependent on external circumstances. All human thinking is influenced by external or inner experiences.... If the human being pays attention to all experiences, his thinking will also be stimulated and he will be influenced by knowing beings, so that he can become knowledgeable himself and his thoughts will increasingly strive towards the Eternal. And this will be recognisable in a certain faith, which can be considerably stronger in people who live in meagre circumstances than in those who enjoy a certain earthly prosperity. Prosperity need not be an obstacle for them, but earthly poverty can very often bring spiritual successes that signify everlasting good. It is wisely arranged by God that in every situation in life a person will encounter opposition, the suffering imposed on every person can more or less ennoble the being.... (Interruption)
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