1156 Boundary stone.... spiritual possession.... spiritual wealth....

November 2, 1939: Book 20

The boundary stone will always be set where property ends and another property begins, for this boundary stone is intended to prevent quarrels and disputes, it is intended to bear witness to the rights of each possessor and prevent disputes arising for the sake of property, the settlement of which would be unmistakably difficult. In a certain sense, this marking of the boundary is a protection against encroachments on the property of others, and thus man erects a visible sign for himself that his fellow human beings respect his property.... Anyone who now wants to apply this example to the spiritual life of people on earth must imagine for the first time that only a person who endeavours to increase his spiritual knowledge can lay claim to property.... But he will never ever need to set a limit to this knowledge, and even less will his possessions be able to be disputed and thus be reduced by his fellow human being, for if the latter acquires spiritual wealth this will not diminish the former's possessions, for the human being's spiritual knowledge is indivisible and yet can be shared by all people.... everyone can enrich themselves from it without needing to take anything from the other.... it can still be coveted and appropriated and yet nothing will be taken from the giver.... And so it is not necessary to anxiously place a marker to prevent the diminishing of spiritual gifts, for what once exists in spiritual goods can never ever diminish. And thus one being will never be able to harm another in the spiritual kingdom either, instead it will only be a competition amongst each other to receive spiritual possessions in order to increase spiritual wealth, and the being will be able to do so without it having a harmful or detrimental effect on other beings. Thus the boundary stone can only be used as a measure to secure property in earthly life and is therefore a device which applies to the protection of earthly values, yet in a spiritual respect all wanting to limit would be invalid and the being will only ever want to give without divesting itself of its possessions, providing it has overcome all material cravings and its desire is only for spiritual wealth....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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