
1105 Useless activity.... worldly problems....

September 22, 1939: Book 20

The human being sometimes desires clarification about things which are unimportant and also in no way beneficial or useful to the soul, and this can be called wasted time which is used to investigate such things. For it is without any purpose to solve worldly problems which have nothing to do with the actual earthly task and which also do not serve to further the human being's spiritual knowledge. The time on earth is so short and the task demands complete dedication, and any mental labour which neither serves the well-being of fellow human beings nor the well-being of the soul shortens this time on earth and diminishes spiritual success. The reward for such work is truly small, for it is only the recognition of a few fellow human beings who are also thinking wrongly as they attach too much value to such work. Man should indeed use his intellect.... for God has endowed him with it.... but only in a truly beneficial way.... for the good of his fellow human beings and must therefore be dictated to a certain extent by love for them.... And so every profession that meets people's needs or in some way has a beneficial effect on humanity will be blessed and can stand before the eyes of God, but an activity that only has the purpose of creating works that serve the opposite, that are in no way beneficial and only helps to increase values or power will never find the approval of the divine creator, and one day man will remember in deepest remorse the time he has filled with such activity, whether mentally or physically.... and which did not bring him the slightest benefit for eternity....


Translated by Doris Boekers