1609 Research with and without God's help....
September 13, 1940: Book 25
The intellectual researcher rejects the only possibility of complete enlightenment on the grounds that no guarantee of truth can be offered to him for solutions obtained in this way. And yet, there is no other way to come closer to the pure truth than through spiritual research. The earthly scientist may provide evidence down to the smallest detail, but he will still be wrong as long as he is untrustworthy and considers himself capable of solving spiritual problems. And therefore, the results of such researchers differ widely, just as they also differ in their attitude towards God. And he who approaches the investigation of such spiritual problems with God's help, shall always be able to defend his views with conviction; but he who does not believe that he needs God's help to do so, shall be and remain mistaken. And the researchers will only agree if they are of the same faith, that is, of the same spirit. For the right solution also comes to them from above. And yet precisely this path is bypassed because the modern world prefers exact scientific work to spiritually gained successes; and so, humanity accepts it without resistance and persistently rejects the pure truth. And a process of unheard-of significance, the working of the divine spirit, remains unrecognised and unused, and only a few believers derive their knowledge from it, and yet these alone stand in truth, for they accept what God Himself offers them: the pure, unadulterated divine teaching, the pure Word of God and thus the fullest enlightenment about everything divine creation holds, whereas intellectually acquired knowledge is utmost incomplete, despite the alleged evidence, and will never completely satisfy. Science in particular has put forward theories that more or less contradict the truth, and instead of coming closer to the truth, humanity is moving further and further away from it. And where the truth is to be found, the human will erects an insurmountable barrier. Man refuses to research in this way, and now, even more so, utilises intellectual thinking in order to find an explanation that suits him for the emergence of spiritual results. It is therefore impossible to spread the pure truth through scientific researchers. Even those researchers who, in deep faith, want to bring other results to the general public, that is, results that correspond to the truth, will meet with fierce resistance and be fought by their opponents, who only allow their own intellect to speak and completely exclude God's work. Such results have no value whatsoever and yet are considered to be the only valuable ones; and thus, the human being's thinking is completely distorted because he draws his conclusions and inferences from erroneous teachings, and thus gets further and further into erroneous thinking. The pure truth can only be received where profound faith has requested God's blessing for every spiritual work.... These alone stand in truth, for they were instructed by the Eternal Truth Itself. Such a person can never ever be in error, for God Himself protects him from it if the person has entrusted himself to God's care through his prayer. Thus, the core of truth will always and forever be God Himself, and everything that is started with God will correspond to the truth, yet without God there will be no guarantee for it, no matter how eagerly a person intellectually tries to substantiate what he claims.... his opinion will differ considerably from that of the person submitting himself to God, because the results originate from different sources, and truth can only flow from the divine source alone, since God is the Truth Himself....
Translated by Sven Immecke