1139 Pioneer.... reference to events.... enlightened....

October 16, 1939: Book 20

You, My faithful ones, shall be forerunners for Me on earth and proclaim Me and My power to all who cross your path. And you shall make known to them what is imminent.... You shall point them to the coming events so that they will regocnize the credibility of the word which is conveyed to them through you. And you will find followers of My teaching and thus make Me and My word accessible to everyone and serve Me and convey My will to people on earth. And when My word will touch the ears of those who believe in Me they will look forward to the coming time with hope, they will not be fearful and despondent but await the events with trust in Me and My help, and they will not realize the full extent of the horrors because those who faithfully follow Me shall not be affected by the suffering. And My small congregation will be spared and remain in My grace, and therefore you should still work diligently and try to enlarge this congregation, for the day is not far away and the hardship is unspeakably great.... Every day brings you closer to the time of the event, and therefore every day should also be utilized, and you should never become lukewarm or sluggish, for only in this way is the salvation of erring souls possible. Those who love Me regocnize Me and do not need to worry as much as the apostates and especially the enlightened, who are in the knowledge of the world and therefore believe themselves to be in complete wisdom and therefore think they need no instruction. If mention is made to them of what is to come, their will will indeed resist accepting it as truth, but once the event has happened they will remember the words and seek contact with the spiritual, and this is only of real value. And so you must make use of every hour and be active labourers for Me in My vineyard, for there is still a large field to be cultivated.... there is still so much unspeakably great work to be done, and there are only a few of My true believers who work in My will. The world will have to go through unspeakably difficult things if it does not turn round and accept My word.... Mankind takes pity on Me, I would like to give it love but it does not respect it and provokes My wrath, and boundless misery is the result of its defence and its life without faith. And you can still put a stop to this misery if you let Me speak through your mouth, if you give Me your will and thus I can work through you.... Every suffering you willingly bear for Me will be blessed for you, and every spark of love you kindle in yourselves will draw Me to you.... Thus you must suffer and love, and you will redeem people through such suffering which is carried by you with love. And in the time to come you will see much suffering and have to comfort your fellow human beings, yet if you make love your guiding principle this suffering will exert an ennobling influence on people and they will remember Me and My word in the last hour.... And I will direct them to the places where My word is proclaimed. And it will be accepted by their hearts and save many a person from the abyss towards which they were heading in their lack of faith. And therefore be diligent and endeavour to convey My word to all those whom My love will lead to you....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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