
1147 Call from on high....

October 24, 1939: Book 20

You will hear the call from above, and thereby you will receive a measure of grace which will guarantee you unspeakable spiritual success if you pay attention to the divine word and move what you have received in your hearts. Yet now you also have to contribute towards spreading this word, and no obstacle may deter you from proclaiming it where souls are in spiritual hardship. And therefore I have made it your task to work incessantly.... You are only to pursue this goal, that My teaching finds entrance among people.... You are to be active according to My will without hesitation by prioritizing the work for Me above everything else.... For what I give to you is extraordinary, and thus your willingness to work must also be extraordinary, that is, you must serve Me with all dedication and not set limits according to your own judgement. I will give you the strength at all times, and thus you give Me all your will and at the same time testify to your love for Me and for My living creations to whom you bring help in spiritual adversity. And so consider your work for Me as the most important and meaningful earthly task and do not attach too much importance to earthly activity if I give you this task, which is far more necessary and urgent, for it is intended to result in eternal success.... Earthly activity only benefits the body, but spiritual care benefits the soul and is therefore everlasting and far more necessary for it. And thus I want My children to allow themselves to be guided by Me, that they willingly serve Me and only ever carry out what My love commands them to do, for only that which relates to spiritual life has lasting value. And if I need you, you should not resist Me but must join Me with all your will and inform the world of My visible expression of will, for I need this will of yours if I want to stand by the many who are going astray and send them help.... You must always know that you are only the executors of My will if your will does not consciously oppose it. And therefore obey the voice in your heart which will clearly announce it to you if you are to serve Me....


Translated by Doris Boekers