
1165 Erroneous view of overzealous servants.... God's word....

November 7, 1939: Book 20

You see, not all people have the desire to serve Me and fulfil My will, and it is often extremely difficult to reveal My will to them in consideration of their free will. It is like a secret escape from everything that could bring people clarity. The souls fearfully remain within self-created boundaries and do not dare to cross them. Time and again I approach such blind people in spirit and want to bring them light.... I lead them to those who regocnize and want to change their mind, but it is unbending and yet caught up in error. And that is why I strengthen the power of those who listen to Me, I kindle the glow of love in their hearts.... I draw them ever closer to Me and admonish them to faithfully endure.... I help them to resist the enemy's temptations, I give them clarity and steadfastness in faith and protect them from spiritual decline. So many are still under the mistaken impression that My love has exhausted itself in proclaiming My word.... Again and again My voice may be heard by those who sacrifice their will to Me. And the eternal truth will always remain the same, My word will always and forever be the same, unchanged word which I Myself gave to My disciples on earth. Yet all human additions will give rise to disputes.... But where I Myself separate the lie from the truth, there men shall not be offended by My word.... Everything in heaven and on earth is subject to Me. Why should I not take care of My earthly children anew and send My messengers to them to initiate them into the purest, most divine teaching? And how rarely do I find the devoted will of an earthly child who believes My voice more than the words of the world.... I regocnize the zeal of My servants on earth but warn them against all overzealousness, which can lead to the alienation of My own and is truly no service to Me. The world does not interpret My word correctly, it does not separate the pure desire for truth from all kinds of cravings for knowledge, which have nothing to do with spiritual knowledge. A person can certainly want to take a look into the beyond for base reasons which do not meet with My approval, but if he is only driven by the desire to come closer to the pure truth and thus to fathom the essence of the deity, then the desire is for Me and I will also fulfil such a desire at any time. You humans do not realize the immense responsibility you take upon yourselves when you act contrary to My will or try to persuade your fellow human beings to resist Me.... You seek power elsewhere.... You prefer to attribute it to the adversary and don't consider that My love alone wants to create the opportunity for you humans to easily enter into contact with Me. Where My love expresses itself you only see the effect of evil power.... You forget that My might is above everything and that I truly would not allow My name to be misused in such a way and that dishonest power of the soul makes use of the one who gives Me all his will.... A child who calls upon Me for help and protection against all evil will truly not need to do without My help, and anyone who wants to serve Me has lost the adversary's power over him.... But he who does not regocnize his lord when He speaks to him, his struggle on earth will still be difficult, for he did not receive the strength which should make his path through life easier. Yet those who serve Me faithfully and surrender to Me in strong faith shall receive My blessing....


Translated by Doris Boekers