1044 Protection of the saviour.... separation from the world.... resistance....

August 9, 1939: Book 19

And this is the power of the world, that it weakens you.... but in the saviour you are strong. When He spreads His hands over you, all desire for the world falls away from you and you only desire divine protection and His love. And therefore you should constantly endeavour to entrust yourselves to His protection, you should as it were ask for the saviour's blessing without ceasing, and the path of life will become easy for you and you will learn to despise the world. And again the lord speaks to His own: Detach yourselves with all your might from that which keeps you far from Me, offer your heart to Me so that I may bless it, and you will have peace within yourselves and no longer desire the world.... and your life will only be the fulfilment of your duty on earth and joyful service to your divine lord and saviour. And the voice of your heart will tell you that this way of life is right and will bring you closer to Me. And strive for union with Me with all your senses, for this offers you compensation for everything you sacrifice to Me in earthly life. And if you call upon Me to help you, My strength will flow into you and you will overcome life with all its temptations. And don't fall prey to the temptations which repeatedly approach you.... which are intended to test your strength of resistance and will and make you strong in battle. Only he who carries Me in his heart will reach the heights, as I stand by his side in every battle and am always and forever his protection and shield. And such resistance must fuel the desire for Me so that the earthly child will join Me ever more firmly and no longer be able to live without Me and My love....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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