1610 ‘Become like children....’

September 13, 1940: Book 25

Now hear the words of the Lord: ‘Become like children so that you will enter My kingdom....’ If you do not have the most childlike faith, you will hardly conquer the kingdom of God, for you must accept as truth what often seems incomprehensible to you; and thus, you must be able to believe like children. For God and His glory cannot be grasped, but can only be accepted as truth in the fullest faith. Thus, Jesus' life on earth was also an endless series of miracles that can only be affirmed in the deepest faith of the heart, otherwise they would have to be considered impossible and rejected. Yet childlike faith considers everything that is proclaimed by God to be true, childlike faith does not doubt and does not ponder; and this is how faith should be in order to be able to represent God and His work before all the world. For with God nothing is impossible.... what He wills comes to pass. And if He demands profound faith from people, then He demands His love, omnipotence and wisdom, which can accomplish everything, to be unconditionally recognised.... Deep childlike faith asks neither how nor why.... Because it knows no impossiblity, no limitation and no improbability.... And this is how your faith should be, so that God Himself may have His pleasure in you. But then the gates of heaven will be open to you; for as soon as you believe, you will be able to enter the kingdom of God; and as soon as you believe, there will be no more barriers, for the faith of your heart shall call forth all spiritual things, and you will become knowledgeable.... What you previously only believed will now become obvious to you, you have come to recognition through faith and what you recognise has become proof for you that your faith was right. The knowledge was given to you without you pondering and questioning; your faith imparted it to you. And you now receive all gifts from the Father's hand with thanksgiving like children. You do not hesitate to accept it because, in your deep childlike faith, you expect nothing but the most profound truth from God; and thus, you do not place any obstacles in the way of the impartations, just as too weak faith is such an obstacle. Deepest faith and deepest love for God shall earn you eternal glory, therefore become like children so that the kingdom of God is close to you.... Amen

Translated by: Sven Immecke

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