
1164 Divine guidance....

November 7, 1939: Book 20

Unlimited trust in divine guidance must take root deep within you, only then will you be able to overcome all difficulties with ease. It must be the guiding principle of all thinking that the divine lord and creator of each individual life leads.... if He does not encounter resistance.... always towards perfection. Man must know that not a single moment of life approaches him thoughtlessly, but that everything is only ever a means to help the soul.... That man himself is often the cause when the side effects of life appear difficult and unbearable to him.... That he often puts his soul in such danger through his own will that it can only be led back onto the right path through severe suffering and strokes of fate. So many different stages of development preceded the stay in the human body.... they have all contributed to achieving a certain degree of maturity, and every human being's course of life is suitable for bringing the soul inhabiting this body to perfection, provided, however, that it utilizes all the opportunities offered to it. If it does not do so, the soul's coverings will understandably thicken instead of dissolving, and the living conditions will have to occur in such a way that they can indirectly help the soul. And therefore not one event in human existence is meaningless and purposeless, not one single moment is allowed without the lord's will. If the human being keeps this in mind, that he is constantly guided by the faithful father's hand only in order to reach his final goal, then his trust in this divine guidance must grow and finally become so strong that he willingly abandons himself to this guiding father's hand. He must accept everything he encounters on his earthly career in the rock-solid conviction that it is only good for the salvation of his soul. He must endure all suffering or small adversities of life with the greatest patience and only allow the heavenly father to rule.... in every trial he will only regocnize the father's admonition, which he should willingly endeavour to follow. And if he completely surrenders to the father's guidance, he will soon be relieved, for his soul will willingly do what serves it and will no longer need more severe means to mature. Demonstrating faithful trust in days of adversity is infinitely beneficial for the state of the soul. For the human being then regocnizes the supreme power and willingly submits to all orders.... He knows that he will receive help at the right time, he patiently waits for it and does not rebel against divine will. And lifting up his prayer to the father in deep, childlike trust is the surest guarantee for its fulfilment.... For the father wants His child to come to Him in every need of the soul.... He wants to send him help, for the soul confesses its weakness and its faith in Him.... It is on the right path and therefore the suffering can be taken away from it again. That is why a person should never allow himself to be depressed by suffering, but should commend himself to the father in heaven with the most faithful trust.... Everything is only imposed on him by the father for his own good, and if the child regocnizes this, it will also take the right path, comply with the divine will and flee to the father in all hardship and tribulation, who will deliver it from all hardship....


Translated by Doris Boekers