
1054 Proclaiming the divine will.... direct and indirect voice....

August 13, 1939: Book 19

The heavenly father demands willingness from His servants on earth, and this willingness should express itself through constant listening to the proclamations of His will. You receive His word, and thus the guideline for your thoughts and actions is given to you. Now to organize your life according to this word means to be active according to the divine will. However, where divine will is disregarded, the human being is in contradiction to divine order, offends against it and increases the distance from the father instead of reducing it. Every earthly child knows of its own accord what is right and what is wrong and, in order to reach the father, must do what is right and abhor what is wrong.... If the human being is seriously concerned with the problem of his earthly task, if he justifies his existence on earth with a specific purpose, his train of thought will be focussed on the demands made on him as a creature of his creator by the eternal deity. And these demands are clearly and unambiguously contained in God's word, and it may therefore only be received by the human being's will with the heart and thus be complied with, and the human being has fully fulfilled his duty on earth.... he has utilized earthly life in order to reduce the distance from the father and thus lived in accordance with God's will.... And so the first and most important thing the human being must do is to listen to the voice of God.... It is offered to him in many ways.... he can hear it directly if only he listens within himself and believes that God makes His will known to those who ask Him for it.... But he can also receive them indirectly if he listens to what God says to him through the mouth of a human being, considers these words and does not close his mind to them. If he is serious about his earthly task he will clearly and distinctly feel in his heart that God Himself admonishes and inspires him to do right, and he will regocnize the divine will.... and thus he will serve the lord and fulfil His commandments. And as soon as he has regocnized his relationship with God he will also live in the divine order, for his spirit is willing and the father in heaven will give him the necessary strength so that he can reach the heights....


Translated by Doris Boekers