1548 Assessment of mysterious events.... Temporary confiscation....
August 1, 1940: Book 25
The working of the divine spirit cannot be refuted even though it cannot be comprehended. A human being can certainly face a process with a lack of understanding and thus want to dismiss something as fantasy or imagination due to a lack of knowledge, but a person whose power of judgement is more developed can never completely refute this working, for he encounters forces which he cannot explain to himself and therefore will not unscrupulously deny them either. It is the conviction of mankind that every spiritual process can be explained scientifically, that therefore human knowledge is nowhere deficient; and this conviction excludes from the outset that an explanation of mysterious processes could be sought other than intellectually. Thus man will now also want to fathom intellectually where such spiritual results come about. However, he will never be able to refute these results, because then he would have to delve into problems which are unsolvable for him without spiritual help.... He can therefore only judge (explain) the arising itself, affirmatively or rejectingly, but never the arisen. For such a thing is beyond his judgment. He who only looks at himself and everything around him with earthly eyes does not desire to unravel problems which lie outside the earthly, thus he cannot make judgements either. However, he who only has a little contact with the supernatural by letting his thoughts wander at times into regions unknown to him will also always be questioning towards infinity, and the questioner will hold back his judgement. Only he can judge who has spiritual knowledge himself, and his judgment will always be affirmative, for he recognises the divine working, because the spirit within him makes contact with the same spiritual strength outside of him and thus the realisation must be the same, since there is only one truth.... which God Himself imparts to those who desire His spirit. If it is recognised by the world that nothing can be proven in the opposite sense, what wisdom comes to earth from above, then it will not be rejected. However, if the judgement is left to incompetent people, then the work will experience a temporary confiscation which, however, is also permitted by God's will in order to cause a certain circle to deal with it more closely. But the Lord protects His work, even if it appears that human power is greater and all hope is lost. For the Lord has His plan and all human rage is powerless if it goes against His divine will. The time of separation will soon come, the time of detachment from what man holds dear.... And since he will not give it up voluntarily, the Lord will take it by force.... And this time will be preceded by events so that what the Lord is planning.... will become public knowledge to humanity, and God will accomplish this, albeit in a different way than expected. For God recognises both the danger and the blessing of ignorance and knowledge....
Translated by Sven Immecke