1399 God's love and mercy for the souls of darkness....

April 29, 1940: Book 23

"Oh, that I had a thousand tongues to praise and glorify the goodness of the lord!" Thus it resounds in the ranks of the heavenly hosts, for the love and goodness of God is infinite. And thus He bends down to all beings full of mercy, and He descends into the kingdom of darkness and seeks to bring redemption to the souls languishing there. And His love shows them the way upwards, He constantly considers them with His grace and sends them His messengers, the bearers of light, so that the desire for light will also be awakened in them.... He comes to meet them with all love and grace and preaches the gospel to them.... He demands nothing more from them than love.... they are only to make up in eternity what they have so far neglected to give love.... and they will be redeemed from all torment. And in the deepest depths there are souls that still carry love within them, which was only previously directed towards God's opposite pole. To reverse this love, to persuade the beings to actively help is the ongoing endeavour of all beings of light who are in God's will.... And God's will is redemption, not damnation.... And thus His ray of grace also shines into the utmost darkness, and the strength of His love seeks to enliven souls willing to receive, and if these souls offer no resistance they feel the benefit of love and become soft and yielding.... and they desire the light.... their will becomes active.... And so, after a long struggle, they detach themselves from the darkness and strive towards the light. The light bearers regocnize every impulse of such a soul and try to accommodate it, partly by encouraging it and partly by hindering it. For such a soul cannot be left to its own devices. It is still weak and often wavering; it must be guided gently and carefully to where it becomes strong and willing in itself. And God's immense love considers every soul according to its feelings.... for He tries to prevent every relapse. He wants this soul, too, to experience His great love and mercy in itself and likewise join the number of those who praise and glorify Him. He is in perpetual care for every single soul, that it may reach the heights, that it may receive light and regocnize its creator in ever brighter surroundings.... They should love Him, not fear Him.... They are to desire His grace and willingly serve Him.... They should likewise become love-receiving and love-giving beings who participate in the great work of redemption in the beyond and again bring souls up from darkness to the light. This is a work of love and can never be accomplished in any other way than through deepest, most unselfish love.... because only love redeems, and God in His infinite love will not let any being fall prey to eternal darkness.... And therefore everything that serves Him should be redemptively active, i.e. give love to all those who are of a dark spirit, for every spark of love enlightens their spirit, and only love is able to banish the darkness, only love is the light that points upwards.... And only love imparts the strength to enter the path upwards. And that is why you, who are willing to love, descend into the darkness and seek to redeem souls there.... Bring light to those who walk in darkness and always remain in love, for love is strength and beings lack it, and therefore you should supply it to the beings so that they, too, will ascend....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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