1099 Formation of the people's soul by otherworldly beings....

September 20, 1939: Book 20

The community of souls of those in the beyond, who are responsible for the care of earthly beings, produces extremely valuable results, namely in the formation of the people's soul, which is most likely to regocnize the seriousness of wrong actions and thoughts. The more straightforward and uneducated the character of a people is, the easier it regocnizes the worthlessness of the transitory and the more likely it is to make an effort to create values for eternity. However, as soon as earthly values begin to accumulate, as soon as a certain affluence has also penetrated these classes of people, thinking begins to flatten and take its course in a pernicious way, and nothing is more dangerous for a people than to have entered this path. How childishly humble and pleading a heart beats towards the father in heaven as long as it is not yet burdened with the concern for earthly goods, whose addiction to increase separates the soul of man from the eternal deity. And a people which always and constantly has only one goal, to become great, strong and powerful, is on the other hand in great danger of becoming spiritually weak, small and lowly, and this is understandable, for it no longer listens to the voice within, it closes itself to the influences of the world beyond, it clings too much to earthly things to be able to make contact with the power beyond. Anyone who is small on earth and does not burden himself with thoughts which are aimed at increasing his earthly possessions will nevertheless enrich himself in such a way that his possessions will outlast all times.... And thus the soul of the people is still the most likely bearer of spiritual strength, it is still the most likely to find the path to God, to the father.... and is still the most likely to enter into contact with all spiritual strength. However, if the foundations are shaken there too, if the people's faith is so shaken that they can no longer find the path to the father in times of need because they can no longer see Him in their spiritual blindness, then all activity of the spiritual forces will be in vain and the greater these beings' will to help, the greater their resistance will be. And thus, if the people are in such a spiritual state then there is true hardship on earth.... Then the time has also come when the transience of earthly possessions has to be brought to their attention, for only the great earthly adversity will result in renewed faith in a higher being, and only then will the endeavours of the beings in the beyond be crowned with success again. And that is why especially the people must be exceptionally affected and suffer, and thus there will be great hardship where the people's soul is in danger of being completely dominated by matter, and a purification must be carried out there, which again is not possible in any other way than it now expresses itself everywhere.... through hardship and worry in every way....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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