1593 Subordination of the will.... Grace.... Spiritual and earthly knowledge....
September 2, 1940: Book 25
The inwardly matured human being will completely harmonise himself with the divine will, for his feelings can only approve what corresponds to God's will. He will make contact with the divine spirit in every situation in life, thus, if he is willing to do what is right, he will be instructed by this divine spirit and also now yield to the urge of the heart, which expresses the voice of the divine spirit. This is not a forced way of acting, for his will already strives for the good, so the will subordinates itself to the will of God. It is the will to act right before God, the unconscious utilisation of divine grace, for the working of the spirit through the human being is a grace which God imparts to those who desire it. The will to do good is also the will toward God, and God Himself comes to meet the willing and gives him the strength to carry out what his will strives for. If the human being now consciously makes contact with God through prayer, grace will flow to him in abundance, for now the human being has found union with God, he recognises God and now seeks to serve Him, whereas before he certainly strived for the noble but still thought himself to be alone, because he did not recognise the eternal Deity. (2.9.1940) Everything that is good and noble already belongs to God in its essence, even if it is not fully conscious of it. It is part of love and is therefore close to God, and the power from God must communicate itself to it, because it stands in the circuit of divine love. But he must also inevitably come to recognise the Deity if he is working with love, for through love the outer shells dissolve and let the spirit free, and this now instructs him, and gives him knowledge of all things in and around himself. And now the human being becomes knowledgeable, which is spiritual progress. He enters into conscious contact with the spiritual in the beyond, and is taught, thus brought ever closer to the eternal Deity, which is the goal and purpose of earthly life. Hence the right knowledge is not due to intellectual work but to the inner state of the heart. If a person is good and noble he shall also be rich in knowledge.... of such knowledge which has value for eternity.... For earthly wisdom loses all value with the death of the one who stands in such wisdom.... Earthly knowledge is irrelevant, indeed, it can even prevent a person from accepting spiritual knowledge, because spiritual knowledge usually does not correspond to earthly knowledge, and this is not the case so the person with earthly knowledge is incapable of loving actions, that is, if love has not yet come alive in him and his spiritual state is still very devoid of light. Then all wisdom in which he believes to stand is only profitable for earthly life, but not for the life that follows after bodily death.... Amen
Translated by Sven Immecke