1546 Overcomer of death.... Eternal Glory.... Wrong will....
July 31, 1940: Book 25
An overcomer of death will be the one who strives for life.... for the life that God has promised to those who love Him.... life in all its glory for eternity. For in truth he has conquered death, because his life is now light. But death is darkness, death is inactivity of spirit, death is complete powerlessness and captivity to the forces of evil. And if God promises eternal life to those who love Him and keep His commandments then it should certainly be easy to fulfil His will, for He offers the most glorious reward, He offers everything that is of Him.... He offers Himself, His light and His strength, His love, wisdom and omnipotence to all those who are perfect, just as the Father in heaven is perfect. And this is God's most marvellous gift of grace, the being may undeservedly receive something which is so exceedingly glorious.... which is life and gives life. And God demands nothing in return but the will of the one who desires eternal glory. The misused will brought about the separation from God, thus the right will has to reunite that which had been separated from God for infinite times. But the world with its attractions is the greatest danger for the still undecided will. On the one hand it certainly sees the eternal glories, but they are still far away and therefore it prefers to turn to the attainable earthly glories, which seem more desirable to it and exert the strongest attraction on its senses. And thus he applies his will wrongly and closes the door for himself to those glories which signify eternal life, and he does not fulfil the divine commandments, for his heart is still attached to matter, it seeks to increase it and will understandably not be able to separate itself from it by sacrificing, by giving unselfish love to his neighbour and thus fulfilling the divine commandments. He has not surrendered his own will and therefore cannot partake of the grace.... he cannot partake of what God promises to those who love Him more than all earthly things, who only strive to fulfil His will and no longer pay attention to the world and its charms. A world of unimaginable splendour will open up to them, they will receive unimaginable bliss, they will indulge in delights which are inconceivable to the human being as long as he still dwells on earth. They will in truth be able to be called children of God, for they are active like Him, i.e. the divine will flows through them, and everything they now do of themselves they do according to the divine will out of His wisdom and His power. Their reward will be incomparable, for nothing on earth can even approximate the bliss in which a perfect being may revel. For the Lord Himself said on earth: ‘No human eye has ever seen and no human ear has ever heard what I have prepared for those who love Me....’
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