
1605 Living water.... Word of God....

September 10, 1940: Book 25

Living water flows inexorably from the loins of anyone who is devoted to God with heartfelt love and wants to serve Him with all his heart. For it flows to people in order to refresh them; and so, anyone who sincerely desires it may receive it. But the living water is the Word of God, commanded by Himself.... the living water is the healing potion which is always and forever offered to the beings whose soul is still ailing.... the living water is a gift of grace from God, offered to humanity to strengthen it on the path upwards. For the being needs strength and vigour for its earthly task; and thus, the source of divine love opens itself to it, and allows strength and vigour to inexorably flow out of it, accessible to every human being and promising him most delicious refreshment. And Jesus Christ announced this act of grace on earth with the words: ‘Whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst....’ And thus, it was His will that people should accept the drink He Himself offered them and savour it. Thus, it is also His will that people should shape themselves such that they can receive the living water, the Word of God, which He Himself offers to them.... It is His will that they should desire it and, through strong faith, become a rock from which the living water flows.... They must make it their task to listen within, and they will hear sweetly what God Himself speaks to them. And the Word of God is indispensable for the traveller on earth, just as a drink from a fresh spring refreshes the traveller and gives him strength to continue on his arduous path. And if a person wants to despair in earthly life and loses the courage to live, he needs a strengthening drink. If he now thirstily accepts what God Himself lets flow to him, he will be able to continue his earthly path marvellously strengthened, for he receives strength from God. And anyone who thirsts for it may refresh himself with the living water at any time..... he may open his heart at any time, and God Himself communicates with him. And thus, the promise of Christ is fulfilled for the human being, as long as he desires the drink which is offered to him from above.... from whose loins the water flows.... He can pass on the Word of God which he has received, for it is existing spiritual knowledge which, once it has been received, remains and can therefore also be passed on like water, which continues to flow inexorably and refreshes all who drink of it.... Whoever drinks of it shall never thirst for eternity.... He desires nothing more than the living water, for once he has savoured God's delicious refreshment, all earthly desires disappear. God has made the source of eternal life accessible to people, He has promised them refreshment and strengthening on their path through life and has demanded each person's consent to it, for only then can it be given to him, if his own will has decided in favour of it.... Amen

Translated by Sven Immecke