1607 Dead and living matter.... Work of destruction.... Catastrophes....

September 11, 1940: Book 25

The spiritual in matter longs for its liberation, for it feels the surrounding as a burden and oppression.... It was created in freedom, and therefore any constraint in form is a painful state, from which it desires to escape, but cannot do so arbitrarily. Therefore, it fulfills the task assigned to it in order to escape the respective form. It must now either serve or remain in the form for unimaginable times; there is no other way for the spiritual. Originally, the spiritual is still full of resistance against God and refuses to serve, i.e., to engage in serving activity. It remains inactive, and this inactivity brings it endless periods of being bound. The spiritual cannot be freed from the fixed form until it decides to serve, but only then is the possibility given for ever faster changes in its outer form, for the will to serve has now been stirred by the prospect of ultimate liberation from any form. Everything spiritual in activity is therefore living, while everything in inactivity is dead matter, although the term "dead" means something different from "lifeless." "Dead" means being inactive in a bound state, while "living" means having a certain freedom to engage in activity. Dead matter, therefore, still contains very immature spiritual, that is, spiritual substance that is distant from God, rebelling, which must endure millennia of suffering and agony of being bound before it decides to become active, i.e., feels the will to approach God.... Once this will is awakened, the spiritual is freed from its banishment by God's will.... It becomes free and now seeks other embodiments in order to completely liberate itself, and to end state of compulsion one day. This liberation of the spiritual from the solid form can only take place in such a way that God commands the outer shell to loosen, i.e., the formerly solid form must somehow be dissolved or destroyed in order to release the spiritual within it, and this process always means the destruction of matter, which can now take place through human hands or through God's will.... through elemental forces.... However, the divine will is always a prerequisite, otherwise, the spiritual will be prematurely freed, and.... as it is not yet ripe for the next outer form, it will cause trouble and urge the already more mature spiritual to act quicker. This, in turn, leads to inexplicable phenomena in nature, in plant and animal life, which disturb the spiritual that is already in the stage of free will, meaning it has already entered the final phase of development on Earth, but has misused its free will by prematurely freeing the immature spiritual from its form through destructive actions that do not align with God's will. Everything that is sin, i.e., directed against the divine order, brings the just punishment with it, and thus, human beings themselves will have to bear the consequences of the dreadful destructive work brought about by human hands.... These are unforeseen catastrophes, the entirely natural result of what human hatred and lack of love bring about; and so, the world is heading towards an event that is unimaginable in its dimensions and consequences, for God does not allow interference with His creation without punishment. While He does not prevent the free will of humans, He can never allow the spiritual in its development to be hindered by pure revenge and destruction unleashed by humans. For it is solely God's matter to take on the office of avenger.... To Him alone shall all guilt be entrusted, so that He may render the just judgment....


Translated by: Sven Immecke

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